Please take out your lab notebooks and your packets Lab Reports Purpose statement Prelab questions 1-3 Flowchart Data Calculations: percent yield of carbonate product Guided-Inquiry Design #s 1-6
This lab is really two labs in one. In the first, you decompose a bicarbonate compound and use the knowledge of how much mass was lost to calculate the percent yield of the carbonate product. This is what we did in the lab yesterday, and you should have done this calculations using your lab data. In the second lab (which we have NOT done), your goal is to use a similar lab procedure on a mixture of a bicarbonate and carbonate compound. You can then calculate the percent of the original that was the bicarbonate versus the carbonate (these calculations are what I showed you in class today – we DO NOT have data for this because you haven’t done it in the lab!!)
You should be able to Summarize the ideas behind green chemistry Complete calculations to determine the percent bicarbonate in a mixture (stoichiometry!!)