Freedom from the Occult
Let no-one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord... Deuteronomy 18: 10-13
How does the Occult gain access to our lives?
Two types:- A.Direct, deliberate attempt to access ‘hidden truth’
How does the Occult gain access to our lives? Two types:- A.Direct, deliberate attempt to access ‘hidden truth’ For example: witchcraft, sorcery, voodoo, ouija board, tarot cards, horoscopes, fortune telling
How does the Occult gain access to our lives? B. Indirectly, often through ignorance, opening ourselves to the influence of the Occult.
How does the Occult gain access to our lives? B. Indirectly, often through ignorance, opening ourselves to the influence of the Occult. For example: Freemasonry, horoscopes, consulting tea leaves, hypnotism, some drugs, Transcendental Meditation, Yoga, Scientology, etc
Recognising the work of the Occult
Rooted in rebellion and deception
Recognising the work of the Occult Rooted in rebellion and deception Fascination with the supernatural
Recognising the work of the Occult Rooted in rebellion and deception Fascination with the supernatural Unusual experiences
Recognising the work of the Occult Rooted in rebellion and deception Fascination with the supernatural Unusual experiences Desire for power and supernatural knowledge
Recognising the work of the Occult Tendency to manipulate people and situations
Recognising the work of the Occult Tendency to manipulate people and situations Resistance to authority
Recognising the work of the Occult Tendency to manipulate people and situations Resistance to authority Personal struggles – insomnia, nightmares etc
Recognising the work of the Occult Tendency to manipulate people and situations Resistance to authority Personal struggles – insomnia, nightmares etc Self-destructiveness
God wants you free! God disarmed the principalities and powers that were ranged against us and made a bold display and public example of them, in triumphing over them in Him and in it [the cross]. Colossians 2: 15 Amplified
Getting free Repent – corporate prayer Renounce Break Bless
Prayer Heavenly Father, I repent of any known or unknown participation in the Occult. Specifically Lord, with a conscious act of my will, I repent of any involvement with or dabbling in.... (Repent of anything specific here)
I repent of any known or unknown rebellion, deception, manipulation, intimidation, desire to control, or desire to dominate. I repent on behalf of my ancestors for any involvement they had in rebellion, iniquity, witchcraft, Satanism, Freemasonry and anything to do with the Occult.
Renounce I renounce all spirits behind the Occult. I renounce all rebellion, manipulation and control. I cancel all agreements, known or unknown, that I have made with these spirits
Break I break every hex, vow, covenant and agreement that I have made or anyone in my family has made with the spirits behind the Occult. I break every spell, ceremony, ritual, and sacrifice that has given this spirit power in my life. I break every soul tie and every generational tie
Break I declare that the blood of Jesus cleanses me from all sin and that the yoke of bondage is destroyed because of the anointing oil. I receive my freedom this day in the mighty name of Jesus
Bless I choose to walk in submission and purity. I receive the robe of righteousness today In the mighty name of Jesus. AMEN