Introduce to students to kinds of topics: –Deeply research on an advanced topic that will be introduced in the next weeks –Explain how an existing web-based system (given by professors or proposed by students) works –Develop a web based application Form student group: from 2 to 4 students each group
Topic list Study and using tools for building web application –T1: Joomla and similar content management tools –T2: Study J2EE and using to build website accessing to database T3: Using Ajax to build an excel like editor on web with minimal calculation functions: +, -, *, /, average, sum. T4: Using Flex to build a page listing projects of WIS which allows professor and students discussing by sending comments/questions/answer for on each project. Session management with cookies –T5: Building a shopping online web page using cookies to memory the logon status and shopping cart Webservice –T6: Development of application using big web services technology (2 groups) –T7: Development of application using Resful Webservice technology (2 groups) Security web –T8: Study single sign on with OpenID –T9: Study single sign on with SAML –T10: Platforms implementing digital signature T11: Study RDF, tools and applications (2 groups) T12: Study SPARQL, tools and applications (2 groups) T13: Study search engines and its working mechanism case study T14: Web on mobile device: development tools, standards, language T15: Analyze the technologies used for building a well known social network (chosen by student) T16: Tools for developing static webpage on Linux (similar to Frontpage for Windows) T17: Advanced web development frameworks T18: Load balancing for web system: algorithms and current implementation. Case studies of large website: yahoo, google … (student propose the site) T19: RIA: inside technologies of Google Maps T20: RIA: inside technologies of Youtube T21: XML & XHTML: language and their utilization for web