MCS FUTURESLABARGONNE CHICAGO Rick Stevens, Terry Disz, Lisa Childers, Bob Olson Argonne National Laboratory The Access Grid An Introduction
MCS FUTURESLABARGONNE CHICAGO Evolution of the Grid Concept Metacomputing: late 80s –Focus on distributed computation Gigabit testbeds: early 90s –Research, primarily on networking I-WAY: 1995 –Demonstration of application feasibility PACIs (National Technology Grid): 1997 NASA Information Power Grid: 1999 ASCI DISCOM: 1999 DOE Science Grid: 2001 Commercial Startups Applications Apps Tools Middleware Networking Resources
MCS FUTURESLABARGONNE CHICAGO Related Work Berkeley and LBNL’s Mbone Tools (Jacobson et al.) Xerox PARC MOO and Jupiter Projects (Curtis, et al.) Argonne/NEU’s Labspace Project (Evard/Stevens et al.) EVL’s CAVERsoft (DeFanti, Leigh, et al.) ANL’s CAVEcomm and ManyWorlds (Stevens et al.) ANL and ISI Globus Project (Foster, Kesselman et al.) UNC’s Office of the Future (Fuchs et al.) DOE’s Collaboratory Pilots (Zalusec et al.)
MCS FUTURESLABARGONNE CHICAGO Some Questions We are Interested In What kinds of future collaboration environments are possible? How might teleimmersion enhance scientific collaborations? What is the value of persistence and spatial metaphors in collaboration and virtual environments? How can we cost-effectively improve group oriented collaboration environments ? What is needed from networking and middleware infrastructure to effectively support wide area collaboration and distributed visualization ? What are good software architectures to enable collaborative work systems?
MCS FUTURESLABARGONNE CHICAGO Our Approach Attack Research Questions in the context of real world experience Build Working Infrastructure as well as Prototype Software Involve multiple groups in deployment, use and research Participate (lead) in directions for new uses and applications Release software early and often (use open source model) Contribute to the Community Code base
MCS FUTURESLABARGONNE CHICAGO Ambient mic (tabletop) Presenter mic Presenter camera Audience camera Physical Node Design Spaces for small groups Wide field of view Comfortable Persistent connection
MCS FUTURESLABARGONNE CHICAGO Audio Hands free –No click to talk –No searching for microphones –Never have to think about microphones Interactive –Interrupt other speakers –Multiple conversations at the same time –Full duplex Clear –No background noise –Rich-sounding speech No feedback No echo
MCS FUTURESLABARGONNE CHICAGO Video Scale of imagery life-sized Highest quality, but affordable Multiple video streams –Presenter close-up –Audience view –Audience close-up –Display wall
MCS FUTURESLABARGONNE CHICAGO Data Shared –Powerpoint –VNC –Visualization Archived –Voyager
MCS FUTURESLABARGONNE CHICAGO Network Hardening multicast infrastructure – Large-scale networking testbed –Higher bandwidth –QoS Networking people active members of the AG community
MCS FUTURESLABARGONNE CHICAGO The Muds Two muds are used in the AG community –Access Grid Hangout Room Character generation is controlled Characters reside there permenantly Long-term social relationships have developed –Access Grid Venue Character generation is automatic Characters come and go Usage is event-driven
MCS FUTURESLABARGONNE CHICAGO Virtual Collaboration Spaces A persistent location on the grid Not a physical space A dimension in which several physical spaces can be co- located A place that can be entered and exited Supports multiple interaction modalities Text, audio, video graphics, animation, VR A scoping mechanism to support multiple concurrent meetings A resource that can be reserved Virtual Venue
MCS FUTURESLABARGONNE CHICAGO The Workspace Docking Concept Private Workspaces - Docked into the Group Workspace
MCS FUTURESLABARGONNE CHICAGO Access Grid Project Goals Enable Group-to-Group Interaction and Collaboration –Connecting People and Teams via the Grid Improve the User Experience: Go Beyond Teleconferencing –Provide a Sense of Presence –Support Natural Interaction Modalities Use Quality but Affordable Digital IP Based Audio/video –Leverage IP Open Source Tools Enable Complex Multisite Visual and Collaborative Experiences –Integrate With High-end Visualization Environments –ActiveMural, Powerwall, CAVE Family, Workbenches Build on Integrated Grid Services Architecture –Develop New Tools Specifically Support Group Collaboration