Grant Thomas Anthony Fennell Justin Pancake Chris McCord TABLEGAMES UNLIMITED
PROJECT ABSTRACT The proposed project is a virtual interactive tabletop game surface It will recognize user input in the form of multi-touch gestures as well as identify and track unique game pieces The use of IR for visual input allows for minimal interference between visual input and display Recognize user input using ReacTIVision open-source framework Uses image processing to recognize position and orientation of unique symbols
PSSC 1.An ability to control fan speed as a function of operating temperature. (MC) 2.An ability to recognize touchscreen inputs via infrared image processing. (MOBO) 3.An ability to recognize and track unique game piece position and orientation via fiducial pattern tracking. (MOBO) 4.An ability to control projector settings such as brightness, contrast, and focus via IR communication. (MC) 5.An ability to generate sound effects coordinated with the game being played. (MC)
CRITICALITY LEVELS I.High a)Potential fire hazard b)Damage all components c)Renders system inoperable II.Low a)Failure of any single component blocks b)One or more single functions inoperable
COMPONENTS PRONE TO FAILURE 1.LD1117V33– 3.3V Linear regulator 2.AT32UC3B064 – Microcontroller
LD1117V33– 3.3V LINEAR REGULATOR Parameter NameDescriptionValueComments C1C1 Die Complexity0.02Regulator πTπT Temperature coeff.5.1Max operating temperature 125 ° C C2C2 Package failure rate pin regulator πEπE Environmental Constant 4.0Left blank intentionally πLπL Learning Factor1Production > 2 years πQπQ Quality Factor10Commercial product λPλP Part Failure Rate1.068Failures/10 6 hours MTTF106.9 years
AT32UC3B064 – MICROCONTROLLER Parameter NameDescriptionValueComments C1C1 Die Complexity bit processor πTπT Temperature coeff.1.5Max operating temperature 100 ° C C2C2 Package failure rate Pins πEπE Environmental Constant 2.0Ground fixed πLπL Learning Factor1Production > 2 years πQπQ Quality Factor10Commercial product λPλP Part Failure Rate8.9Failures/10 6 hours MTTF12.82 years
FMECA – LINEAR REGULATOR Failure ModePossible CauseFailure EffectsCriticality Vout = 0VDevice failure open circuit No power to all devices Low Vout > 3.3VDevice failure short circuit All devices receive 9V High – devices may overheat/fail
FMECA - MICROCONTROLLER Failure ModePossible CauseFailure EffectsCriticality PWM signal failureHardware, software, connection failure Uncontrollable fan speed High – device overheat / fail USB failureInternal hardware / software driver failure No communication to motherboard Low SPI signal failureSoftware error, SPI pins damaged Unable to read SD card, unable to drive MP3 decoder Low GPIO failurePin damaged / software error Unable to remotely control projector or receive external button inputs Low