Transverse spin phenomena in pp and polarized fragmentation Akio Ogawa, BNL 2006 Oct 3
2 Related Experimental Talks (7 talks) Tuesday J.H. Lee (BNL) x F Dependent Single Spin Asymmetries for +-, K +-, p and pbar in Polarized p+p Collisions at sqrt(s)=200 GeV and 62 GeV (Brahms) Mickey Chiu (Illinois) Single Spin Transverse Asymmetries of Neutral Pions at Forward Rapidities in sqrt(s)=62 GeV Polarized Proton Collisions at RHIC (Phenix) Larisa Nogach (Inst. of High Energy Phys.) Measurement of Transverse Spin Effects with the Forward Pion Detector of STAR Han Liu (New Mexico State) Transverse Single Spin Asymmetry Measurement with Heavy Flavors in Polarized p+p Collisions at RHIC (Phenix) Jan Balewski (Indiana) Measurement of Sivers Asymmetry for Di-jets in 200 GeV pp Collisions at STAR Friday Douglas Fields (Univ. of New Mexico) k T Asymmetry in Longitudinal polarized Collisions (Phenix) Ralf Seidl (Illinois) Chiral-Odd Fragmentation Function Measurements at Belle Other Plenary Talks : Anna Martin (Trieste) Transverse Spin Phenomena in Lepton Scattering Harut Avakian (JLAB) Generalized Parton Distributions Alessandro Bravar (Geneva) Spin Physics in Forward Scattering
3 Related Theoretical Talks (18 Talks) Tuesday Matthias Burkardt(New Mexico State) Hadron Tomography Werner Vogelsang (BNL) Single-Spin Asymmetries Alessandro Bacchetta (DESY) Transverse-Momentum Dependent Functions in Semi-Inclusive DIS Leonard Gamberg (Penn. State) Transverse Quark Spin Effects in Azimuthal Asymmetries in SIDIS and DY Feng Yuan (RBRC) Unique Description of Single Transverse-Spin Asymmetries in DIS and Hadron Collisions Kazuhiro Tanaka (Juntendo) A New Approach For Single Transverse-Spin Asymmetries From Twist-3 Soft- Gluon Mechanism Yuji Koike (Niigata) Single Transverse Spin Asymmetry for Semi-Inclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering Umberto D'Alesio (Cagliari) Transverse Momentum Dependent Distributions in Hadronic Collisions Cedran J. Bomhof (Amsterdam) Sivers Effect Asymmetries in Hadron-Hadron Collisions Umberto D'Alesio (Cagliari) Constraints on Gluon Sivers Distributions from RHIC Results Thursday Anatoly V. Efremov (JINR) Collins Effect in SIDIS and in Electron-Positron-Annihilation Alexei Prokudin (Torino) Collins Effect in polarized SIDIS and e + e - Data Genis Musulmanbekov (JINR) Single Spin Asymmetry in Strongly Correlated Quark Model Hiroshi Yokoya (Niigata) Threshold Resummeation Effects in the Polarized DY mechanism Hiroyuki Kawamura (RIKEN) QCD Prediction of A TT for Small Q T Dimuon Production in pp and ppbar Collisions Friday Daniel Boer (Amsterdam) Gluon Saturation Effects On Single Spin Asymmetries Marco Radici (Pavia) Transversity and Inclusive Two-Pion Production Alessandro Drago (Ferrara) Measuring the Sea Polarization by Drell-Yan Production at Moderate Energies More talks on GPDs, etc ….
4 s=20 GeV, p T = GeV/c 0 – E704, PLB261 (1991) 201. +/- - E704, PLB264 (1991) 462. At leading twist and with collinear factorization, the chiral properties of QCD predict small analyzing powers for particle production with transversely polarized protons colliding at high energies. A Brief History … The FermiLab E-704 experiment found strikingly large transverse single-spin effects in p +p fixed-target collisions with 200 GeV polarized proton beam. Around same time, pQCD was examined and effects were found which may explain large A N by removing leading twist or collinear restriction (by going twist-3 or k T factorization). Recently, large transverse single-spin effects were observed in semi-inclusive electro-production experiments (DESY,CERN,JLab) as well as p+p collisions (AGS, RHIC), which also triggered advancements in theoretical understandings. Kane, Pumplin, Repko ‘78
5 Collins mechanism: Transversity (quark polarization) * asymmetry in the jet fragmentation Sivers mechanism: Correlation between nucleon spin and parton k T SPSP p p SqSq k T, π Transverse Momentum Dependent PDFs and A N SPSP k T,q p p SqSq Boer-Mulders mechanism: Correlation between parton kT and parton spin * Transversity p p SqSq k T,q SqSq unpol SpSp Phys Rev D41 (1990) 83; 43 (1991) 261Nucl Phys B396 (1993) 161 Boer, Mulders
6 E(z 1,z 2 ) : quark-gluon correlation at final state G(x 1,x 2 ) : quark-gluon correlation at initial state (co-linear factorized) Twist-3 correlation functions and A N ^ qTqT d /dq T QCD q T <<Q q T ~Q QCD << q T << Q TMD Twist3 How those two mechanisms connected ? Q Qui, Starman Koike
7 The Nucleon Spin Puzzle Longitudinal 1/2 = 1/2 + G + L L ~0.6 from EJ-sum rule ~0.2 from DIS “spin crisis” RHIC Spin & SIDIS DVCS Spin Sum Rules Sivers DF Collins FF from Belle SI-DIS & RHIC Spin ~0.6 from Lattice QCD No gluon “Recovery” of EJ-sum rule? Transverse 1/2 = 1/2 L T Bakker, Leader, Trueman Phys.Rev.D70:114001,2004
8 Cross section at forward rapidity, NLO pQCD and A N PRL 92, (2004) √s=200 GeV, = 3.8 nucl-ex/ Cross-section is consistent with NLO pQCD calculations Asymmetry revealed at lower energies persists at √s=200 GeV STAR BRAHMS Preliminary
9 While at fixed target energy, it was not case…. Cross-section is NOT consistent with NLO pQCD calculations √s=23.3GeV s=20 GeV, p T = GeV/c 0 – E704, PLB261 (1991) 201. +/- - E704, PLB264 (1991) 462. Bourrely and Soffer (hep-ph/ , Data references therein)
10 New Insights from Recent Theoretical Works Transverse spin sum rule (BLT sum rule) in spin2004 Phys.Rev.D70:114001,2004 Relation between TMD PDF and Twist-3 Correlation Function TMD = kT factorization twist-2 q T << Q Twist3 = co-linear factorization twist-3 QCD << q T ~ Q Those 2 agrees at QCD << q T << Q Connection at moment: Sivers DF “Modified” Universality, “Un-modified” “Gauge link” factor 1 for SIDIS -1 for DY 1/2 for q-q, factors for others sub-processes were calculated Corresponding parts can be found in Twist-3 within “hard part” Bacchetta, Bomhof, Mulders, Pijlman Collins; Belitsky, Ji, Yuan; Boer, Mulders, Pijlman Ji, Qiu, Yuan, Vogelsang
11 New Insights from Recent Theoretical Works Hadron tomography with impact parameter dependent PDF and connection to Sivers DF Burkardt Gluon Saturation & A N Boer, Dumitru,Hayashigaki Rich phenomenology to fit data & make predictions By both TMD and Twist-3 framework For A N of , k, p, jet, photon, J/psi, D, DY… For xF, pT, sqrt(s) dependences For SIDIS data For e + e - data Yuan, Vogelssang, D'Alesio, Anselmino, Qui, Starman, Koike, Goek, Efremov, Prokudin, Melis, Murgia, Kouvaris … Theorists are not Oracles and of course couldn’t know new results shown at this conference before they made the talk….. And we have new & exciting experimental results shown at this conference!!!
12 New Experimental Results Hermes + Compass + Jlab (See Next Talks) Collins FF STAR A N ( x F,p T ) for inclusive 0 A N for Di-jet A N for inclusive +- A N for inclusive K+- A N for inclusive p+- A N for inclusive 0 A N for J/psi k T Asymmetry with Longitudinally Polarization Great success of run6 L~1/pb/day P~60%
13 π 0 A N at √s=200 GeV : x F -dependence A N at positive x F grows with increasing x F A N at negative x F is consistent with zero Run 6 data at =3.7 are consistent with the existing measurements Small errors of the data points allow quantitative comparison with theory predictions Theory expects the reverse dependence on η STAR Nogach
14 A N (p T ) at x F > 0.4 Run3+Run5 data (hep-ex/ ): Run6 data: more precise measurements consistent with the previous runs in the overlapping p T region complicated dependence on p T Online calibration of CNI polarimeter Hint of A N decrease with increasing p T at p T ~1-2 GeV/c residual x F -dependence? => A N mapping in (x F,p T ) plane is required STAR Nogach
15 A N (p T ) in x F -bins Combined data from three runs at =3.3, 3.7 and 4.0 In each x F bin, does not significantly changes with p T Measured A N is not a smooth decreasing function of p T as predicted by theoretical models STAR Nogach
16 A N at 200 GeV 2.3 deg 4.0 deg 2.3 deg +- +- +- Lee
deg 4.0 deg 2.3 deg +- +- +- Twist-3 calculation provide by F. Yuan Lee
18 A N at 62 GeV 2.3 deg +- +- Lee
19 Twist-3 calculation provide by F. Yuan 2.3 deg +- +- Beautiful data - |A N ( - )| is bigger than A N ( + ) ? - A N ( - ) is as large as A N ( + ) ? - Anti proton? Lee
20 A N for J/psi Disfavor the maximum contribution of gluon Sivers function Phys. Rev. Lett. 95(2005) PHENIX A N of Mid-rapidity Neutral Pions and Charged Hadrons are very well constraint to ~0. A N for 0 from Muon Piston Calorimeter is coming very soon! Liu
21 Going Beyond Inclusive Measurements Inclusive DIS Not sensitive Semi-Inclusive DIS Collins, Sivers and more Inclusive hadron production in pp Collins and Sivers are mixed “Semi-Inclusive” pp p+p -> jet -> hadron + rest of jetCollins x Transversity p+p -> di-hadron (near side)Collins x Transversity (Interference FF) p+p -> jetSivers p+p -> photonSivers p+p -> di-jet, di-hadron (far side) Sivers p+p -> l+l (DY)Sivers “Asymmetric jet correlations” in p p jet jet X Boer & Vogelsang (PRD 69) Cedran, Yuan
22 Measured Sivers A N for Di-jets vs. Theory Model w/o hadronization, integrated over STAR , 5<p T <10 GeV/c, includes only quark Sivers -- predicts A N ~ A N HERMES where q Sivers dominates Sign of predictions reversed to adhere to Madison A N sign conventio STAR measured A N all consistent with zero both quark and gluon Sivers effects much smaller in pp di-jets than in HERMES SIDIS !! Emphasizes (80%+) gluon Sivers Emphasizes (50%+ ) quark Sivers STAR Balewski
23 k T Asymmetry in Longitudinally Polarized pp Like HekicityUnlike Hekicity Large impact parameter Head on Orbital angular momentum may cause double spin asymmetry in width of di-jet after averaged over impact parameter D. Fields ’ s Talk on Friday
24 Collins asymmetries 547 fb -1 charm corrected data sample, UL and UC double ratios x PRELIMINAR Y A 0 (cos(2 )) momentsA 12 (cos( )) moments R. Seidl ’ s Talk on Friday
25 Forward Meson Spectrometer (FMS) FMS will provide full azimuthal coverage for range 2.5 4.0 Broad acceptance in x F -p T plane for inclusive , etc…production in p+p and d(p)+Au Broad acceptance for and from forward jet pairs to probe low- x gluon density in p+p and d(p)+Au collisions STAR Muon Piston Calorimeter (MPC) MPC will provide full azimuthal coverage for range 3.1 3.7 and 2 < E( ) < 25GeV Raw A N ( ) of from run6 MPC North side is being installed now Chiu
26 Summary New precise data of inclusive hadron A N from RHIC Mapping A N in x F, p T and sqrt(s) Various channels : 0, +-, K +-, p +-, J/psi Going beyond inclusive hadron measurements Sivers DF measurement with di-jet production New measurement of polarized FF Large Collins FF observed by Belle Great advancements in theoretical understandings Relation between TMD and Twist-3 DF is now clearer Sivers DF “universality” Frameworks to fit & predict asymmetries for SIDIS & pp & ee
27 Questions for next 2 years Can we understand A N (x F,p T,sqrt(s))? Can we understand A N of K-? Can we understand proton/Anti-proton? Can we understand Sivers DF from Hermes vs STAR? Will we see A N from “jet” & photon production? Will we see Transversity * Collins FF (and BM * Collins FF) in jet production? Will we see interference FF from Belle? Is Collins FF really universal? Formal factorization? Can we get to orbital angular momentum contribution to nucleon spin from those measurements? Can Global fit & Extraction of DFs/FFs from DIS, pp and ee done? GSI? J-PARC? LHC? Burkardt; Brodsky, Hwang, Schmidt; Ji, Ma; Sivers
28 The Nucleon Spin Puzzle Longitudinal 1/2 = 1/2 + G + L L ~0.6 from EJ-sum rule ~0.2 from DIS “spin crisis” RHIC Spin & SIDIS DVCS Spin Sum Rules Sivers DF Collins FF from Belle SI-DIS & RHIC Spin ~0.6 from Lattice QCD No gluon “Recovery” of EJ-sum rule? Transverse 1/2 = 1/2 L T Bakker, Leader, Trueman Phys.Rev.D70:114001,2004
30 Boer-Mulders mechanism: Correlation between parton kT and parton spin * Collins FF p p SqSq k T,q SqSq unpol k T,h