Injury Prevention Pre-participation Physical Examinations 1
Daily Objectives Content Objectives Learn the importance of the pre-participation physical examination. Differentiate between an office based and station based exam. Understand the clearance process for athletic exams. Language Objectives Copy notes off of power point. Complete Reading Assignment. 2
Pace Lap Activity What is the primary purpose of taping and wrapping? 5 minutes 3
Pre-participation Physical Exam (PPE) A comprehensive assessment of the athlete’s overall health and ability to safely perform a sport at it’s highest level. Primary Goal Read page 86 to understand the primary goal. To help maintain the health and safety of the athlete. 4
Other Goals of the PPE To identify athletes at risk for specific types of injuries and to develop prevention techniques for avoiding injury. Identifying the athlete’s general health Determining the athlete’s maturity level Determining any physical limits to participation Identifying conditions that may put the athlete at risk for injury Providing education on personal health issues Establishing a doctor-patient relationship Fulfilling insurance and legal requirements 5
Components of the PPE Reading Assignment Read the section titled “Components of the PPE” on pages 89 and 90. Your objectives are to: Decide what standard components should be included. Identify the cornerstone of the PPE. Decide what general information should be included in the baseline history. 6
Components of the PPE Detailed Medical History Height Weight Pulse Blood Pressure Eyes Ears/Nose/Throat Heart Abdomen Genetalia (Males Only) Skin Musculoskeletal 7
Medical History Cornerstone of the PPE 75% of problems that may prevent the athlete from full participation can be identified during this section. Information Needed Medical Conditions and Diseases Previous Surgeries/Hospitalizations Current Medications Allergies Immunizations Previous Injuries/Illnesses Menstrual Status Pulmonary Status Neurologic Status Musculoskeletal Status 8
Different Types of PPE’s Reading Assignment Read page 87 – 88 regarding Station Based and Office Based PPE’s. Write a brief response in your notes regarding the pro’s and con’s of each. 9
Different Types of the PPE Office Based: One on one with physician in office. Pro’s Better and more in depth physical Con’s More expensive and athlete has to make their appointment. Station Based: Athlete moves from station to station and is seen by several different physicians of different specialties. Pro’s More athletes can be seen in a short time period. It usually is less expensive for the athlete. Con’s Physical is usually not as thorough. 10
Timing of the PPE Reading Assignmnet Read the section regarding “Timing of PPE” on page 87. Use the following two questions to guide yourself through the passage. When should the PPE take place? Within six weeks prior to the beginning of the sports season. End of school through mid-summer. Why should it take place at this time? To give the athlete time to rehabilitate any musculoskeletal problems that are found. Clear up any other healthcare issues that may arise during the physical. 11
Clearance for Participation Is the athlete at increased risk of injury because of a preexisting condition? Will the preexisting condition place another competitor at risk of injury? Will treatment allow the athlete to participate safely? Can play be limited while the athlete is undergoing treatment? 12