Introduction to Life Science Mrs. McMahon Grade 7 Team Discovery
The moment one gives close attention to anything, even a blade of grass, it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself. Henry Miller
About me: Family Education Teaching Hobbies Dogs
Expectations: Do what is expected… Do what is right… Do your best… Respect yourself and others…
Team Spirit
What will we study this year?
Cells… both plant and animal
How Cells Divide…
Chromosomes and DNA…
Geologic Time Scale…
Human Body…
How we are going to learn… Lecture, lab, group discussion, activities, films, internet research, guided reading, Cornell Notes, projects, homework, quizzes and tests! Good study habits will be emphasized!
Things to know for science… Textbook and Workbook- leave at home!
*Planner: Bring it to each class Record all homework Go over with parents at night
Supplies to have in class each day: * Loose leaf paper in NB *Current work *pens, mechanical pencils, highlighter, colored pencils or markers.
Lab Safety Packet and test
In lab…R & Rs 100% on safety test before you can participate Follow all directions Use all Equipment properly and carefully Clean up
In lab we will be: Dissecting owl pellets learning to use the microscopes and looking at cells Extracting DNA from strawberries Building models Completing on-line Investigations And many more exciting activities
Science Films:
Grades: start over each 10 weeks. Infinite Campus
Don’t be late… Late Work will receive 75% credit… Make sure your work is in on time!
Homework will be written in your planner each class. If you are absent it is posted on Infinite Campus and/or my RP web page. Check “Absent” Binder when you return
Copy your homework into your planner now! Open to page ____, find Thursday and Science.
Benchmark tests will be given at the end of each quarter to gauge what you have learned.
Taking care of the classroom: The classroom/drawers The lab Respect equipment Clean up after yourself Take care of books Computer lab Your desks Trash
My expectations Be on time Stay in your seat Sharpen pencils before class starts Allow me to teach Exit when dismissed
Restroom policy
My conference time is period 1. Parents can best reach me by e- mail at:
We are going to have a great year in Life Science…