Community Service Delivery Paul Broadbent Assistant Chief Constable & Chief Executive
UK Policing Lowest for decade 132,000 11,500 less than 2010 Crime fallen by 8% ASB 15% Acquisitive10% Violence 9%
Key Challenges Resources Finances Remit Governance Collaboration Major Crime Partnerships
Reality or Rhetoric BigS/Localismv Cultures BigS/Localismv Criminal Justice BigS/Localismv Austerity BigS/Localismv Serious/Organised crime
GLA Strategic Aim ‘Working in partnership to protect vulnerable and exploited workers’
GLA Priorities Preventing worker exploitation Protecting vulnerable people Tackling unlicensed/criminal activity and ensuring those licensed operate within the law
“Raid on Kent Gangmaster 30 trafficked Lithuanian workers freed Kept in debt bondage forced to work 17 hour shifts Bussed to farms nationwide to catch hens through the night, Sleeping for days at a time Kept under control by Lithuanian enforcers with threats of violence and actual physical assault.”
Growing A2 Accession Hysteria Pressure on local Authority resources Benefit Fraud Social/Racial tension Gang threat Migrant only jobs Lack of local human resources False identification factories
Trafficking / Hidden Exploitation 100% increase in last two years Early Identification Labour Forced/debt/bonded Financial, physical, emotional, mental False representation Trafficked with consent Long, complex supply chains
Finally The GLA must be seen as effective By what it does By how it reports GLA must maintain the trust of the industry Seen to be tackling the worst excesses Listening and working with stakeholders GLA must facilitate a level playing field to promote national economic growth Working with all partners, local authorities Govt Depts.