AMAO A T ARGETS 0.5 CPL (P ROGRESS ) 0.5 CPL Gain AMAO A Targets YearTargets % % % % % % % % % %
AMAO B T ARGETS 4.8” CPL (A TTAINING P ROFICIENCY ) AMAO-B Targets YearTargets % % % % % % % % % %
W HAT IS S HELTERED I NSTRUCTION ? Sheltered instruction is an English immersion approach to instruction and classroom management that teachers can use to help second language learners to simultaneously acquire English and content area knowledge and skills.
S HELTERED I NSTRUCTION Modify and mediate instruction Speak slowly Use repetition Utilize visual aids and hands-on activities Utilize thematic instruction
I NSTRUCTIONAL S TRATEGIES ARI Strategies AMSTI Strategies Rosetta Stone Partner/Cooperative Groups Accelerated Reader
T EACHER G UIDELINES EL students must receive accommodation of content work as needed Grading is based on accommodated work ELs must not be failed on the basis of lack of English language proficiency Grades placed in cumulative folder must reflect academic achievement Grading based on IMPROVEMENT
The Resource Guide
W HAT ARE W I DA ELP STANDARDS ? The WIDA ELP standards facilitate the design of language development objectives that support, guide and develop content knowledge and skills at the appropriate level of English proficiency. “English as a Second Language Curriculum and Instruction.”English Language Learners (ELL) Policy and Procedures Manual; Federal Programs Section Division of Instructional Services of AL Department of Education, 2008 ed, p.25
A CLOSER LOOK AT THE WIDA ELP S TANDARDS 2 Frameworks: Formative Summative Elements in each framework: ELP Standards (Content Areas) Language Domains Grade level clusters Language Proficiency Levels
12 L ANGUAGE VS. C ONTENT Language proficiency revolves around the language associated with the content areas Academic achievement reflects the knowledge and skills associated with the content. WIDA ELP standards focus on academic language; Academic standards focus on academic content.
Each ELP standard addresses a specific context for language acquisition. The five standards are: STANDARD 1: Social and Instructional Language STANDARD 2: Language Arts STANDARD 3: Mathematics STANDARD 4:Science STANDARD 5:Social Studies ELP S TANDARDS (C ONTENT A REAS )
F IVE WIDA ELP S TANDARDS WIDA Consortium / CAL / MetriTech Standard 1- SIL: English language learners communicate for SOCIAL AND INSTRUCTIONAL purposes within the school setting. classroom language, routines, instructions, assignments, school behavior, recreational objectives & activities) Standard 2 – LoLA: English language learners communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of LANGUAGE ARTS. Speaking Task- Level 1/2 Orally paraphrase three key concepts after reading selected text with a partner. Reading / Speaking task Level 1/2-Ask questions/draw idea and predict key concepts prior to reading. Use language 1 if possible with bilingual partner. Standard 3 – LoMA: English language learners communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of MATHEMATICS. Reading Task Level 2- Match words or phrases related to estimation. (about twenty cents) Speaking Task Level 2- Restate or paraphrase basic operations from oral statements referring to pictures of everyday objects. (Ten pencils and ten more are twenty)
F IVE WIDA ELP S TANDARDS WIDA Consortium / CAL / MetriTech Standard 4 – LoSC: English language learners communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of SCIENCE. Level 3 Writing Task- Outline steps of scientific inquiry involving elements or compounds with a partner. Level 3 Listening Task- Identify examples of scientific tools or instruments and their uses from pictures and oral descriptions. Level 4 Reading Domain- Analyze and identify reasons for genetic alterations based on visually supported text with a partner. (Mutation) Standard 5 – LoSS: English language learners communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of SOCIAL STUDIES. Level 2 Reading Task- Find labeled illustrations or photographs modeled on word walls or displays of seasons. Level 2 Writing Task- Draw a family portrait from a model or photographs and identify people in the photos.
Each of the ELP standards encompasses four language domains: Listening Speaking Reading Writing L ANGUAGE D OMAIN
F OUR L ANGUAGE D OMAINS Listening ─ process, understand, interpret, and evaluate spoken language in a variety of situations Speaking ─ engage in oral communication in a variety of situations for a variety of purposes and audiences Reading ─ process, interpret, and evaluate written language, symbols, and text with understanding and fluency Writing ─ engage in written communication in a variety of forms for a variety of purposes and audiences
The ELP standards are divided into five grade level clusters: PreK-K 1 – 2 3 – 5 6 – G RADE L EVEL C LUSTERS
T EACHER - FRIENDLY T OOLS FROM WIDA Performance Definitions - RG General descriptions of how ELLs understand, process, use and produce English. Aligned with ELP levels. “CAN DO Descriptors” - RG 57 General descriptions of what student “can do” in a specific language domain. Aligned with the specific ELP level for each language domain.