Flange Plates to be Welded to Beam Flanges
Column Splice Plates With Lifting Holes Single-Bevel-Grove and Fillet Weld Near Side (Pre-Qualified Weld) Column Splice Plates With Lifting Holes
Bottom Stiffener Plates are Generally Vertical Cut Elevation CC Top Stiffener Plates are thinner Bottom Stiffener Plates are Generally thicker by ¼ inch
Detailing and Shop Drawings of Beams
Typical Structural Drawing Moment or fixed Connections Typical Structural Drawing of a Floor Plan
Typical Structural Drawing Shear or Pin Connections Typical Structural Drawing of a Floor Plan
Beam Support Reactions in Kips
Number of Shear Connectors on the Beam
Camber of 1.5-inch on Beams with Shear Connections
Beams with Moment Connections are Generally not Cambered
Set Backs of 5/16-Inch Each = Half Web Thickness of Supporting Beam Web Beam’s Ordered Length is 20’ - 10-3/8 with out to out Of Angles Length of 20’ – 11-3/8
Cope 2 x 5 3/4