LABOUR, BIRTH AND BODY CHANGES DURING PREGNANCY BY THE END OF THIS LESSON YOU WILL HAVE LEARNED: What occurs during the 3 stages of labour during a “straightforward” birth That discussion with your classmates is essential to complete “The stages of labour and birth teamwork challenge!” That, during pregnancy, a woman will experience a variety of lifestyle, physical and emotional changes. How to make effective notes whilst discussing these changes
The First Stage of Labour This is usually the longest stage and can last many hours. There are three signs that labour is starting: a show; the mucus plug comes away from the cervix. the waters break and amniotic fluid drains out through the vagina contractions; the muscles in the wall of the uterus contract (shorten) to gradually open the cervix to 10cm Many women will use some sort of pain relief during this stage
The Second Stage This stage involves the baby being pushed out of the mother. The uterus, cervix and vagina are one long birth canal. Strong contractions push the baby through the canal. As the baby emerges, the top of the head is seen. This is called the crowning. Crowning Birth canal *
First Breath If the opening of the vagina is not wide enough to let the baby through a cut is made. This is called an episiotomy. The baby slides out and will start to breathe. This is the end of stage two. Sometimes help is needed to get the baby out. Forceps or ventouse are used for a breech birth when feet or bottom emerge first or when contractions are not strong enough.
The Third Stage Once the baby is breathing, the umbilical cord is clamped and cut and the baby is no longer joined to the mother. The baby is now a separate person. The baby is given skin-to-skin contact with mum Mum is given an injection of syntometrine to prevent excess bleeding when the placenta comes away Contractions continue until the placenta is pushed out. Labour is now complete.
What happens after the birth? The baby is given a medical examination by a doctor. Three measurements are taken: weight (about 3.5kg for a full term baby) head circumference (about 35cms) Length (about 50cms). Mum is given tea and toast and (hopefully) a little rest © ORCA Education Limited 2004 and suppliers all rights reserved
LABOUR, BIRTH AND BODY CHANGES DURING PREGNANCY BY THE END OF THIS LESSON YOU WILL HAVE LEARNED: What occurs during the 3 stages of labour during a “straightforward” birth That discussion with your classmates is essential to complete “The stages of labour and birth teamwork challenge!” That, during pregnancy, a woman will experience a variety of lifestyle, physical and emotional changes. How to make effective notes whilst discussing these changes