How did contracting an STD affect the lives of these Young People? Why are most Teens not concerned about contracting an STD? Why are young people so vulnerable to contracting an STD?
Even 1 Sexual Encounter can lead to contracting an STD. Every year approximately 15 million teens contract an STD. Many STD’s have no Signs & Symptoms 100% method of preventing STD’s = Abstinence!!! Easier for a male to give a female an STD then vice verse STD Activity
There are more than 25 different STD’s Every year 65 million teenagers contract a new STD Bacterial STD’s – Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Trich, Syphilis Viral STD’s – HPV, HIV/AIDS, Genital Herpes STD Handout!
Abstinence #1 method Means using a male condom if choosing to have sex (latex) – Prevents pregnancy and STD’s. Condoms are most effective against HIV, by reducing the risk 85% than not using one at all. 15% of the risk remains for viral STD’s Condoms less effective in reducing STD’s spread by Skin to skin contact (herpes, syphilis, and HPV) What does abstinence involve?