FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA [ Empowering e Science across the Mediterranean ] CERN, EUMEDGRID project presentation, Nov 6 th.2006 The EUMEDGRID project Empowering eScience across the Mediterranean Domenico Vicinanza CERN IT-GD-OPS
FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA CERN, EUMEDGRID project presentation, Nov 6 th.2006 The EUMEDGRID project EUMEDGRID aims to provide in the Mediterranean Region a pilot grid infrastructure for Research, which will be interoperable and compatible with EGEE and with analogous initiatives in the Balkans, North Europe, Latin America and Far-East Asia. It is built upon and exploiting the infrastructure provided by the Gigabit Pan-European Research & Education Network (GEANT) and the Mediterranean Research and Education Networking (EUMEDCONNECT) initiative in the region.
FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA CERN, EUMEDGRID project presentation, Nov 6 th.2006 EUMEDGRID purposes: Establish a human network in the eScience area Raise grid awareness and competences among the researchers operating in the Mediterranean area Foster collaboration with European and worldwide projects and to promote scientific and industrial development in the area. Stimulate the formation of National Grid Initiatives (NGI) in the Mediterranean Countries
FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA CERN, EUMEDGRID project presentation, Nov 6 th.2006 The EUMEDGRID e-Infrastructure (from the Technical Annex)
FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA CERN, EUMEDGRID project presentation, Nov 6 th.2006 Technical data Start date: January 1 st 2006 End date: December 31 st 2007 Duration: 2 years Coordinator: Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (Italy) Mediterranean countries involved: 11 (Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Malta, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey) As of today: 16 EUMEDGRID clusters across 11 countries configured and active An overall computing power which can rely on 625 CPUs An overall storage capacity of 25.8 TBytes
FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA CERN, EUMEDGRID project presentation, Nov 6 th.2006 EUMEDGRID workpackages (1/2) WP1 - Project administrative and technical management A1.1: Administrative management A1.2: Technical management WP2 - Requirements capture and analysis A2.1: Gather and analyse country data A2.2: Study state of the art and propose technical roadmap
FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA CERN, EUMEDGRID project presentation, Nov 6 th.2006 EUMEDGRID workpackages (2/2) WP3 - Pilot Infrastructure operational support A3.1: Operational organis. and policy schemes A3.2: Support to middleware deployment and pilot site installations A3.3: Pilot infrastructure operations A3.4: Network resource provision A3.5: Certification authority setup & operations WP4 - Applications support A4.1: EGEE Applications A4.2: Regional applications support A4.3: Promoting new applications WP5 - Dissemination and outreach A5.1: Dissemination A5.2: Outreach
FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA CERN, EUMEDGRID project presentation, Nov 6 th.2006 CERN Efforts for the project (in terms of person-month) WP1: 0 WP2: 5.5 person-month Deliverable 2.2: “Proposed Technical Roadmaps” (Done) WP3: 6.0 person-month Support to middleware deployment and pilot site installation WP4: 2.5 person-month Regional and EGEE application support WP5: 0 source: EUMEDGRID Annex I – Description of Work
FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA CERN, EUMEDGRID project presentation, Nov 6 th.2006 Project management structure
FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA CERN, EUMEDGRID project presentation, Nov 6 th.2006 Project executives Project Manager: Federico Ruggieri (INFN) Technical Manager: Roberto Barbera (Univ. of Catania and INFN) WP2 Manager: Kevin Vella (UoM) WP3 Manager: Kostas Koumantaros (GRNET) WP4 Manager: Giuseppe Andronico (INFN) WP5 Manager: Federica Tanlongo (GARR)
FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA CERN, EUMEDGRID project presentation, Nov 6 th.2006 Partners 1/2 Participant nameCountry Istituto Nazionale di Fisica NucleareINFNItaly European Organisation for Nuclear Research CERNSwitzerland Cyprus Research and Academic Network CYNETCyprus Delivery of Advanced Network Technology to Europe DANTEUK Consortium GARR GARRItaly Greek Research and Technology Network GRNETGreece Entidad Pública Empresarial RED.ES RED.ESSpain University of Malta UOMMalta Continues…
FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA CERN, EUMEDGRID project presentation, Nov 6 th.2006 Partners 2/2 Participant nameCountry Centre de Recherche sur l’Information Scientifique et Technique CERISTAlgeria Centre National pour la Recherche Scientifique et Technique CNRSTMorocco Egyptian Universities Network EUNEgypt Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology HIASTSyria Ministry of Scientific Research, Technology and Competency Development MSRTDCTunisia The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey TUBITAKTurkey
FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA CERN, EUMEDGRID project presentation, Nov 6 th.2006 Third Parties Third PartyPartner Relevant WP’s Università di Messina – Dipartimento di Matematica INFNWP4 Dipartimento di Fisica – Università di RomaTre INFNWP4, WP5 CRS4 GARRWP4 ICTP INFNWP4 IUCC (Inter University Computing Center) – ISRAEL GARRWP4, WP5 Laboratoire CRISTAL - Ecole Nationale des Sciences de l'Informatique MRSTDCWP4, WP5 Research Unit of Technologies of Information and Communication – University of Tunis MRSTDCWP4, WP5 Bilkent University TUBITAKWP4 JUNet, Jordan GRNETWP5 PADI2, Palestine GRNETWP5 Institute of Communication and Computer Systems, Athens, Greece GRNETWP3
FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA CERN, EUMEDGRID project presentation, Nov 6 th.2006 WP2: Requirements Capture and Analysis A questionnaire to gather information from partners has been distributed to the countries and results were published in a technical document: Deliverable 2.1 On the basis of what pointed out by the questionnaire and stated in D2.1, WP2 wrote a document (Deliverable 2.2) with the aim to present a technological roadmap for the implementation of technical and support initiatives CERN was responsible for this part of the activities
FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA CERN, EUMEDGRID project presentation, Nov 6 th.2006 Deliverable Contents Deliverable 2.2 presents an overview of the EGEE middleware stacks (LCG 2.7 and gLite 3.0) adopted by EUMEDGRID, information on relevant Grid resource (applications, networking, computing and storage) planning. Moreover it describes the basic site infrastructure (operating system, middleware installation, monitoring and testing) and their deployment strategy (including the rollout of pilot sites into EGEE)
FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA CERN, EUMEDGRID project presentation, Nov 6 th.2006 Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. EGEE MIDDLEWARE 2. APPLICATIONS 3. SITE INFRASTRUCTURE & DEPLOYMENT 4. EUMEDGRID NGI SPECIFICATION 4.1 Algeria 4.2 Cyprus 4.3 Egypt 4.4 Israel 4.5 Jordan 4.6 Malta 4.7 Morocco 4.8 Palestine 4.9 Syria 4.10 Tunisia 4.11 Turkey 5. CONCLUSIONS
FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA CERN, EUMEDGRID project presentation, Nov 6 th.2006 WP3: Pilot Infrastr. Operational Support The EUMEDCONNECT Network
FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA CERN, EUMEDGRID project presentation, Nov 6 th.2006 The EUMEDGRID GridICE (
FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA CERN, EUMEDGRID project presentation, Nov 6 th.2006 The EUMEDGRID GStat and SFT (
FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA CERN, EUMEDGRID project presentation, Nov 6 th.2006 The SAM Server Web Interface
FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA CERN, EUMEDGRID project presentation, Nov 6 th.2006 EUMDGRID SAM Test results SE TestFTS Test SRM Test LFC Test CE Test
FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA CERN, EUMEDGRID project presentation, Nov 6 th.2006 Certification Authorities INFN Certification Authority has accepted to act as a “catch-all” CA for the first months of the Project to ease and speed up the start-up of users. 4 out of 7 needed Registration Authorities have already been setup at: CNRST, Morocco (Redouane Merrouch) Research and Academic Network, Cyprus (Christos Koutsioupis) HIAST, Syria (Maher Suleiman) RicerkaNet, Malta (Charles Mifsud, Simon Portelli )
FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA CERN, EUMEDGRID project presentation, Nov 6 th.2006 The “eumed” VOMS (
FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA CERN, EUMEDGRID project presentation, Nov 6 th.2006 WP4: Application Support Grid Applications Biomed applications (already EGEE pilot applications, WISDOM) HEP applications (already EGEE pilot applications) New candidates: Earth science (hydrology, see presentation later) e-Learning (multi-media content on-demand) Others to be selected by WP2
FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA CERN, EUMEDGRID project presentation, Nov 6 th.2006 Aim: estimate sustainable extraction scheme - improve management CODESA-3D: Density- dependent 3D coupled groundwater flow and transport simulations Data requirement Geology Topography Meteorology Water extraction by the farmer Aquifer properties Soil maps Land use One simulated map of water levels Hydrology
FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA CERN, EUMEDGRID project presentation, Nov 6 th.2006 WISDOM (Wide In Silico Docking on Malaria) Started testing WISDOM application within the EUMEDGRID Virtual Organization WISDOM studies in the interaction of a set of substances with the malaria plasmodium protein (and other diseases like recently the avian flu), to look for new drugs A huge database of chemical compounds needed by the program has been installed in Malta (almost 1 Tb, more then 2200 molecules) Later this week it will start the first tests
FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA CERN, EUMEDGRID project presentation, Nov 6 th.2006 WP5: Dissemination and Outreach ( Both in English and French. Soon in Arabic!
FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA CERN, EUMEDGRID project presentation, Nov 6 th.2006 The Document Repository (
FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA CERN, EUMEDGRID project presentation, Nov 6 th.2006 The Agenda Page (
FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA CERN, EUMEDGRID project presentation, Nov 6 th.2006 The Support Page (
FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA CERN, EUMEDGRID project presentation, Nov 6 th.2006 Preliminary time schedule of tutorials WhereWhenWho Greece (Athens)March 2006SysAdmins Turkey (Istanbul)July 2006SysAdmins and Users Italy (Rome)September 2006SysAdmins and Users TunisiaNovember 2006SysAdmins and Users MoroccoDecember 2006SysAdmins and Users Israel, Tunisia2007Users
FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA CERN, EUMEDGRID project presentation, Nov 6 th.2006 Personal Tasks within EUMEDGRID and Testing and Certification Group (IT-GD-ITR) WP2: Contributor and Editor (together with F. Estrella) of the Deliverable 2.2 “Proposed Technical Roadmap” WP3: SAM (System Availability Monitoring) Deployment – Adding new tests (Workload Management System) – Test and support of new versions – Documentation and manuals (responsible for SAM official documentation) SAM Support within EUMEDGRID WP4: WISDOM (Wide In Silico Docking On Malaria) test and support within EUMEDGRID WP5: Tutorial organization and tutorial lectures within the EUMEDGRID tutorials
FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA CERN, EUMEDGRID project presentation, Nov 6 th.2006 Conclusions and Outlook The progress made by EUMEDGRID since its beginning is very good and promising. The kernel of the pilot infrastructure is already set up and will grow rapidly. Some applications have already been defined and many more will come thanks to the survey done inside WP2. The progress made by EUMEDGRID since its beginning is very good However, many challenges are still in front of us: stimulate creation of NGIs (National Grid Infrastructure) in each partner country setting up of National Certification Authorities porting of applications