UNIT 3 Mastery Rubric – Scientific Measurement Name:Class Hr: Objective 3-1: Manipulating Scientific Data TARGETSRESOURCESSelf-Evaluation Got It Need Help Lost A.Express small and large values in scientific notation. Text pgs 63 & R56 (in back of book) A. B.Explain the difference between accurate and precise data. Text pg 64 B. C. Calculate percent error if given data. Text pg 65 Lab 4 - Density C. D. Express an answer to the correct number of significant digits (adding/subtr., mult/dividing). Text pgs practice worksheet D. Objective 3-2: SI Units TARGETSRESOURCESSelf-Evaluation Got It Need Help Lost A. Select the best metric prefix & correct base unit to use for a given measurement. Text pgs Lab Practical- Metric System A. B. Convert between any 2 metric prefix (by any means) and Celsius to Kelvin Text pgs B. MASTERY SCORE:
Objective 3-4: Dimensional Analysis TARGETSRESOURCESSelf-Evaluation Got It Need Help Lost A.Use dimensional analysis to solve word problems Text pgs Chemistry Survivor A. Objective 3-3 : Density TARGETSRESOURCESSelf-Evaluation Got It Need Help Lost A.Define density and how it relates to mass and volume. Text pg Lab 4 -Density A. B.Solve for any variable using the density equation. Text pgs 90 & 92 Lab 4 - Density B. MASTERY SCORE: COLLABORATION: Individual & with OthersMASTERY SCORE: TARGETSEvidenceSelf-Evaluation Did My Best Decent Effort Poor Effort A. Individual Investment in your own learning A. B.Contributed to the learning of a chemistry classmate B.
LAB WORK TARGETSSelf-Evaluation Yes No A. Turn in all labs on time and complete (deduct 2 pts of 10 for each incident) A. MASTERY SCORE: Final Unit Score /