THE TOWER OF LONDON By: Emily and Mary Kaye
The Background!! The Tower of London was built in London.In the 1080’s William the Conqueror began to build the Tower of London.The Tower of London is steeped in rich history.
A Picture of the Tower of London
The Materials of the Tower of London The materials of the Tower of London is local granites.The Tower of London is 89’ feet (27meters) tall.It is the forty fifth tallest tower/building in the world.
Interesting Facts!!! Over 400 years 112 people were executed on Tower Hill, and only 7 of them were executed within the walls. The Tower of London has been a zoo before. Several ghosts are said to haunt the tower all of them were people who got executed. The tower was used as a prison in World War 2.between 1238 through 1241, Henry the 3 rd spent five thousand dollars to strengthen the tower.
More pics of the Tower of London!!
Resources: The websites are :
Pics of the Tower of London
More pictures !!!!
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