Literacy Focus Fortnight Capital letters
Starting Sentences At the start of every sentence you write, the first word must always start with a capital letter. For example: The cat sat on the mat. Everyone had fun at the zoo. People queued around the block.
Proper Nouns Proper nouns always have capitals Monday March England Barnsley Hoyland It doesn’t matter where the proper noun is in the sentence, it will always start with a capital letter. The Tower of London was built in 1078. There are lots of offices in Canary Wharf. The water in the River Thames is very dirty.
I or i? The word “I” is an unusual word, as you will always write it using a capital letter when talking about yourself or things that you do. For example: My friends and I went to the park. What I really like is ice-cream. My mum thinks I should do more cleaning.