The Elements of Music 1) Melody 2) Rhythm 3) Harmony 4) Texture 5) Form 6) Tempo and Dynamics
1) Melody: Musical Line The Nature of Melody Melody is a succession of single tones perceived by the mind as a unity Most memorable part of a song Range: lowest to highest notes Shape: upward/downward movement
1) Structure of Melody Melodic structure is analyzed much like a sentence phrase - unit of meaning within a larger structure Combination of phrases make up most music; like sentences in a paragraph
2) Rhythm: Musical Time Rhythm refers how long or short notes are. The quality which causes people to move in response Meter- groupings of notes/beats Beat - the basic unit of length Measure – how many beats are grouped together
3) Harmony: Musical Space Harmony is two or more notes occurring simultaneously Melody is horizontal aspect and harmony is vertical aspect Chord - combination of two or more tones that constitute a single block of harmony Harmony implies movement and progression of chords in music
3) Tonality: Character of Harmony Tonality - the principle of organization around a central tone, called tonic Major - has brighter sound; used for triumphal marches and grand finales, etc. Minor - has darker sound; used for dirges, laments, etc.
4) Musical Texture Types of Texture Monophonic - single-voice texture Polyphonic - combination of two or more melodic lines The instruments/voices present is also a part of texture. Thin: few voices Thick: many voices
5) Musical Form What is Form? That quality in a work which presents to the mind of the listener an impression of conscious choice and arrangement relationship of the parts to the whole Binary Form - two part or A-B form; Ternary Form - three part or A-B-A form Can you recall the form of a typical pop song?
5) Form: Pop Song Verse Chorus Bridge
5) Components of Form Theme - most basic element of form which provides unity and from which the idea develops Repetition - fixes material in the mind; familiarity Contrast - sustains interest by introducing change Variation - falls between repetition and contrast where aspects are altered but recognizable
6) Tempo and Dynamics Tempo – how fast or slow Adagio……………… Slow Moderato…………… Moderate Vivace……………… Lively Dynamics – how loud or soft piano (p)……………....Soft mezzo piano (mp)……Medium soft mezzo forte (mf)………Medium loud forte (f)........................Loud
6) Tempo and Dynamics Markings for tempo and dynamics contribute to the expressive content of music Ex. Slow= ballad, Fast= exciting, Soft= gentle, Loud= powerful