Music Around the World Exploring Different Cultures and Their Musical Experiences
In This Unit, We Will… Explore music by REGION and CULTURE Learn how cultures effect music and vice versa Listen to examples of music Sing music from different regions/cultures Learn rhythmic patterns from different cultures
“What Will I Be Doing?” You will be doing three different things… #1: Creating connections between content areas – Geography, History, Art, Technology, and Music #2: Listening to new music that you may never have heard before #3: Learning melodies, harmonies, and rhythms from different cultures
First Things First… What is Music? You might think this is an easy question, but really, what makes music…. music? What are the elements of music? What is the function of music?
“What are the Elements of Music?” Melody Harmony Rhythm/Percussion Notes/Rests InstrumentationTonality Timbre
“What Are the Elements of Music?” MELODY: Variations in pitch along with rhythm HARMONY: Different pitches played at the same time RHYTHM: Patterns, pulses, and repetition in music; beat NOTES/RESTS: Sound and silence in music; noise INSTRUMENTATION: Instruments used in a composition TIMBRE: The quality of an instrument’s sound TONALITY: One note in a song that has significance – the “gravitational center” that a melody always has
“What are the Functions of Music?” Enjoyment Ceremonial Religious Movies Celebration “Mood Music” And who KNOWS what else! Occupation
“What are the Functions of Music?” Other than to get “FUNK”-y… CEREMONIAL “The Wedding March,”“Pomp and Circumstance” RELIGIOUS/SACRED “Hallelujah Chorus,” “Arise, Shine…” ENJOYMENT/SECULAR “Happy Birthday,”“Hedwig’s Theme,” “MOOD MUSIC” “William Tell Overture”“Carmen Overture”