INFECTIOUS DISEASE Presented by Kim Zapata,NREMTP Ems Coordinator Medic One, Inc. Cincinnati, Ohio
INFECTIOUS DISEASE CONTROL PLAN The purpose of the plan is to protect our employees from hazards associated with Bloodborne Pathogens To provide appropriate treatment and counseling should an employee become exposed to Bloodborne Pathogens. PLAN
INFECTION CONTROL OFFICER Responsible for overall management and support of the Bloodborne Pathogens Compliance program
DEPARTMENT OFFICERS & SUPERVISORS Responsible for exposure control in their respective areas. Works directly with the Infection Control Officer to ensure that proper exposure control procedures are followed
EMS COORDINATOR Maintains up to date list of all employees who require training Develops suitable education programs Schedules periodic training Ensures that proper documentation of training is kept Reviews training program
EMPLOYEES Know what tasks you perform that have occupational exposure Attend annual Bloodborne pathogen training Plan and conduct all operations in accordance with our work practice controls Develop and practice good personal hygene habits
AVAILABILITY OF PLAN Available at all stations Dispatch Center Fire Chief’s Office or Administration –Everyone should be familiar with the locations of the plan
REVIEW & UPDATE Annually Whenever NEW or MODIFIED tasks or procedures are implemented which affect Occupational Exposure Whenever our jobs are revised such that NEW instances of Occupational Exposure may occur