page 1 of 9 Power Management Technical Working Group Structure and Goals ARIES Project Meeting June 2007 M. S. Tillack and A. R. Raffray
page 2 of 9 The TWG’s play a key role in the ARIES Pathway Study Tokamak line of R&D ITER Experimental power reactor ARIES-AT Non-nuclear tokamaks Nuclear tokamaks Other R&D and facilities R&D needs and priorities Design requirements TWGTWG Decision to commercialize fusion ARIES Study Outcomes: 1. Guidelines for fusion development 2. Sensitivity study results 3. R&D planning document 4. Preconceptual design requirements 5. Preconceptual design report TWG’s: Power management Tritium management Plant operations 34 5 External advisory committee Parametric trade studies 1 2 ARIES-AT Demo
page 3 of 9 Our goal is to translate advisory committee recommendations into design requirements and an R&D plan Customer Needs Mission Present Database Requirements Reactor Conceptual Design Issues & R&D Needs R&D Implementation The “ARIES Process”
page 4 of 9 The Power Management TWG has been populated Mark Tillack (R&D plan leader) Ren é Raffray (design requirements leader) Don Steiner Said Abdel Khalik Siegfried Malang Plasma expert tbd
page 5 of 9 Mission Statement Demonstrate fusion energy production and utilization, including: power and particle handling extraction of power core high-grade heat power conversion nuclear performance of in-vessel and ancillary equipment
page 6 of 9 1-f rad,div PnPn PP Divertor First wall, PFC’s P rad,chamb P div P cond P rad,div f rad 1-f rad f rad,div Blanket CoolingCooling Plasma P injected In-vessel components Power conversion Systems approach to power management P fusion Creating fusion energy…… for the production of electricity
page 7 of 9 R&D Needs and Priorities Subgroup – Approach and Tasks – Document the current status of R&D In the US Worldwide Characterize the R&D gaps To a power plant To a CTF/Experimental power reactor Develop R&D plans and options
page 8 of 9 Technical Design Requirements Subgroup – Approach and Tasks – Establish scaling metrics and goals Define device characteristics Define device parameters Define operating scenarios and test program Exploration of parameter space Demonstration of controllability Etc.
page 9 of 9 TWG Schedule Jun 2007Sep 2007Dec 2007Mar 2008Jun 2008Sep 2008 TWG planning Documentation Conceptual design process Conceptual design activity UAC mtgs Final reports R&D planning Definition of requirements Formulation of requirements R&D existing status and needs R&D plans/options