Recommendations and SPoRT Response transitioning unique NASA data and research technologies to operations Gary Jedlovec SAC Meeting – June 2007
transitioning unique NASA data and research technologies to operations Programmatic Backfill staff in leadership and expertise areas resulting from loss of staff (Lapenta, Goodman, liaison position) –Added 2 liaison positions - Geoffrey Stano (lightning expertise) and Kevin Fuell (coastal processes and training expertise) –Civil service hire for data assimilation (Brad Zavodsky) and modeling / remote sensing (Andrew Molthan – Coop, non competitive hire at graduation) –Additional data assimilation/remote sensing and analyst (UAH scientist – Matt Rigney and Jackie Shafer) –Part-time information systems and satellite remote sensing (Matt Smith and Kevin McGrath) Be more proactive to enhance collaborations with WFOs and transition products – liaisons actively addressing this –Site visits to train and engage forecasters –Regular coordination calls –Enhanced product suite to WFOs Recommendations / Response
Develop means for more formal reporting and outreach to end users, partners, and beneficiaries –Updated web page to make it a one-stop shop for SPoRT information –Developed and published quarterly progress reports – distribute to ~125 colleagues, post on web page –Published and disseminated the first biennial “SPoRT Report” containing detailed information in major SPoRT research and transition areas (published alternate years from SPoRT SAC meetings) –Created blog for end user posting and interaction, posts echoed on Facebook Fan page Develop and implement an operating plan to guide specific tasks –Developed team structure with weekly meetings to keep activities focused Develop a strategic plan to provide overarching guidance to current and future of SPoRT activities –Comprehensive plan developed by SPoRT team (ownership), published and disseminated to community transitioning unique NASA data and research technologies to operations
Recommendations / Response Technical Disseminate MODIS SSTs to a broader user community –Demonstrated value (product assessment) to user community at conference, workshops, and web page – GRiB files available via ftp/LDM –Worked with WRF EMS developers to make access to SPoRT SST composites a default selection in version 3 – enhanced product produced / accessed from PO DAAC –NSSL / HWT evaluating product for operational use (2009 Spring program, etc.) Explore a more direct path for AIRS data into operations, train end users on its use, and transition away from ADAS –Now use WRF / GSI and WRFVar for profile and radiance assimilation work –Evaluated use of profiles as asynoptic diagnostic measurement (comparison site) – enhanced 3D analysis best approach transitioning unique NASA data and research technologies to operations
Recommendations / Response Restore Lightning Mapping Array (NALMA) focus –Developed more comprehensive training on use of product, strengths and weaknesses, and detection efficiency –Broader dissemination of data (added Moorestown, working with Peachtree City) –Explored access and use of other LMAs to WFOs – AWIPS II focus –Conducted additional assessments Link lightning forecasts to end users –Published technique –Refining approach and testing it in near real-time runs for NSSP HWT 2010 Spring Program Evaluate the utility of coupled WRF / LIS products in operations –Case studies and publications transitioning unique NASA data and research technologies to operations
Summary SPoRT : values SAC recommendations and feedback has been responsive to SAC recommendations – provided early feedback on planned response – implemented majority of ideas believes the guidance has made the program much better looking forward new guidance from the SAC 2009 meeting Recommendations / Response