"Enterprise, Employment and Place" Dr John Round, Faculty of General Sociology Outline: This module explores the changing nature of the development of enterprises and the nature of work in the post-Socialist period. It critically details the changing economic and social geographies resulting from globalisation and the role that ‘place’ still plays in economic activity – while most attention is paid to post-Socialist case studies they will be placed within a global context and examples will be given from other regions in the world. Teaching: the module will be taught in English with 28 hours of lectures and seminars. Powerpoints of each lecture will be available and readings will be provided on a cdrom. Assessment: Students will write a 3000 word essay on an aspect of Enterprise, Employment and Place with the topics and structure to be discussed in the seminar series. This will form 40% of the module mark. A further 10% will be awarded on the basis of individual contributions to the seminars and class discussions. The remaining 50% will be assessed in the form of an examination.
Further to the class based lectures and seminars the group will visit Skolkovo and Moscow’s new cultural economy areas such as Winzavod, Strelka and the Red October Chocolate Factory – these trips will include guest lectures, discussions with students/artists and participant observation Module themes: for each theme there will be a two hour lecture and a student led seminar to allow the issues to the fully discussed; Critical approaches to globalisation and economic development The rise of regionalism and entrepreneurship and the role of the EU and regional policies How can regions succeed in the age of innovative economies? The cultural economy and cultural spaces The nature of informal economies The changing nature of work – towards instability or fulfilment The continuing importance of place in economic development (or why geography is not dead...)
Outcomes By the end of the module students will be able to confidently discuss complex theories of globalisation, regional economic development, theories of entrepreneurship in knowledge based economies and the changing nature of work. The student will be exposed to a wide range of English language literature and ample time will be provided to discuss these in a seminar setting. Example key literatures to be considered Porter, M. E. The Competitive Advantage of Nations. New York: Free Press, Mitchell, T. Rule of Experts: Egypt, Techno-Politics, Modernity. University of California Press, Storper, M. The Regional World: Territorial Development in a Global Economy. Guilford Press, Florida, R. Cities and the Creative Class, Routledge, 2004 Peck, J. Struggling with the Creative Class, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Vol. 29,. 4, pages 740–770, 2005.