What is Positive about Futures?
The Journey ‘Old’ service External influences College vision Schools provision Defining the service
Schools provision
Embedding into College Life Working with Curriculum Cross College Calendar of events and activities Links to Enterprise Passport Audit and Offer Roadshows Careers/HE fairs Curriculum Planning
Measuring the impact Detailed tracking of delivery Satisfaction measures Observations Reporting at curriculum level Employer engagement
Measuring the Impact 2011/12 SAR for Careers = Requires improvement KPIs Set: Increase 1:1s by 25% delivered in 11/12 Increase workshops by 25% - 63 workshops, 1535 learners in 11/12 Engage 50 new employers Increase student satisfaction by 10%
Increase in 1:1 by 730% 156 new employer contacts Increase in Workshops 166% Increase in Students attending workshops 140% Satisfaction 100% Good or Excellent Positive about Futures – the impact
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