"Strike down ignorance, poverty, and disease, and Communism without its allies will wither and die." May 4, 1961
LBJ Beagles : Him and Her 90 mph rides around ranch Sworn in by a woman Held meetings on the toilet and in bed Bullied congress members 1 st to name Black person to Cabinet
JOHNSON’s GREAT SOCIETY “ Build a great society, a place where the meaning of man’s life matches the marvels of man’s labor” “ Build a great society, a place where the meaning of man’s life matches the marvels of man’s labor”
JOHNSON’S GREAT SOCIETY Johnson takes over Johnson takes over –Establishes continuity –His “War on Poverty
THE GREAT SOCIETY –1. Abundance and Liberty for All –2. End to Poverty –3. End to Racial Injustice
PROGRAMS WAR ON POVERTY WAR ON POVERTY –Medicare – health insurance for elderly –Available to all regardless of need –Medicaid – health insurance for the poor and children –Once it was in place people did not want to give it up
WAR ON POVERTY ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY ACT ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY ACT –Vocational training –Remedial Education –College Work – Study Grants
The Economic Opportunity Act created: The Job Corps Youth Training Program VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America) Project Head Start, an education program for underprivileged preschoolers The Community Action program, which encouraged poor people to participate in public-works programs.
JOHNSON’S GREAT SOCIETY Elementary and Secondary Education Act Elementary and Secondary Education Act –Money for Poor Inner-City Schools
JOHNSON’S GREAT SOCIETY QUALITY of LIFE QUALITY of LIFE –Corporation for Public Broadcasting –Launched Education shows Sesame Street Mr. Rogers
CIVIL RIGHTS LEGISLATION Civil Rights Act of 1964 Civil Rights Act of 1964 –No discrimination in public accommodations –Equal opportunity in work place –VOTING RIGHTS ACT of 1965 Eliminating barriers to voting – such as literacy tests
RESULTS TREMENDOUS GROWTH IN FEDERAL SPENDING TREMENDOUS GROWTH IN FEDERAL SPENDING –Deficit in $94 Billion –Deficit in $194 Billion –Progress in the war in poverty % below poverty % below poverty
RESULTS Medicare Medicare Elementary / Secondary Education Act Elementary / Secondary Education Act Clean air and water regulation Clean air and water regulation End to immigration quotas End to immigration quotas