 starter activity At the start of the War people had to take all sorts of precautions to protect themselves against the threat of attack. Make a list.


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Presentation transcript:

 starter activity At the start of the War people had to take all sorts of precautions to protect themselves against the threat of attack. Make a list of possible changes they might have made to their homes and gardens.

How did people prepare for the threat of attacks? To find out how people protected their homes from attack To find out children were protected To evaluate the success or failure of the evacuee programme.  Aims

 Your task Read p.249 and p. 254 and list the initial preparations the government made against the threat of war. Read p.249 and p. 254 and list the initial preparations the government made against the threat of war. Canterbury Cathedral being filled with sand. Why do you think this was done?

How could civilians protect themselves? 1 Sept. 1939, Blackout Air raid shelters – Anderson (1939) & Morrison (1941) Public information leaflets describing what to do in air raids Anderson shelter. Why do you think the woman is painting the cow?

How were civilians protected? 1937 Air Raid Precaution Act - ARPs (Air-Raid Precaution Wardens), Auxiliary Fire Service (AFS), Auxiliary Police Corps & Women’s Voluntary Service 1937 Air Raid Precaution Act - ARPs (Air-Raid Precaution Wardens), Auxiliary Fire Service (AFS), Auxiliary Police Corps & Women’s Voluntary Service 38 million gas masks 38 million gas masks A newborn baby’s gas mask

What early-warning systems were used? Radar stations on E. & S coasts Searchlights & barrage balloons Anti-aircraft batteries National Fire Service despatch riders in Maidstone, 1940

 Your task Study the information about the evacuation of children on p.253. Create a scales charts listing the successes and failures of the scheme. Study the information about the evacuation of children on p.253. Create a scales charts listing the successes and failures of the scheme. Write a paragraph evaluating the scheme. Write a paragraph evaluating the scheme. London evacuees on a farm in Canterbury. How do you think local children would have reacted to these new arrivals?

Successes Some children very happy – helped on farms, ate better Some children very happy – helped on farms, ate better 1000s moved to safety 1000s moved to safety Encouraged social reform in long term by highlighting poor conditions of families in inner cities Encouraged social reform in long term by highlighting poor conditions of families in inner cities Mothers could take on vital work Mothers could take on vital work Girls from Sittingbourne in Wales

Failures Children returned home during Phoney War Poorly administered – children poorly matched with foster homes Foster families resented extra burden Foster families shocked by evacuees – bed-wetting common, some children had never used knife or fork or visited countryside. Does this 1942 government poster suggest the evacuation of children actually worked?

 Your task Imagine you are an evacuee. Write a letter home to your parents describing your arrival and your first few days with your foster family. Refer to the following: Imagine you are an evacuee. Write a letter home to your parents describing your arrival and your first few days with your foster family. Refer to the following: How you were matched with you foster family How you were matched with you foster family Food & accommodation Food & accommodation Other children & your chores Other children & your chores Ask about preparations against attack back home & the ongoing Phoney War Ask about preparations against attack back home & the ongoing Phoney War