1/9/2016 ELC Training - ELC TRAINING ELC TRAINING August/September 2012.


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Presentation transcript:

1/9/2016 ELC Training - ELC TRAINING ELC TRAINING August/September 2012

1/9/2016 ELC Training - 2 Agenda Overview 2012 ELC Prerequisites CSIS ELC Process Flow Summary of Changes Data Population Key Points Review ELC DSR SRRTS Functionality Student Roster and Transcript Reports ELC Milestones Calendar Things to Remember and Steps to Take Next

1/9/2016 ELC Training - 3 Overview Eligibility In the Local Context (ELC) automates the task of transmitting the top 15.0% of 11 th grade student records to the University of California – Office of the President (UCOP)  Top 9% of students in each California high school class will be designated UC-eligible.

1/9/2016 ELC Training - 4 ELC Prerequisites Qualifying Participants  LEAs with 11th grade who participated in ELC by sending paper transcripts to UCOP  LEAs who can produce FCMAT/CSIS supported extracts Other  Established LEA procedure for obtaining parental permission  Data submission coordination within district to avoid paper submission if using ELC  No Term Type change in the last 3 years (quarter to semester or vice versa)  CSIS will only accept submissions from schools with only single academic programs

1/9/2016 ELC Training - 5 FCMAT/CSIS ELC Process Flow FCMAT/CSIS ELC Process Flow

1/9/2016 ELC Training - 6 Submission Key Points Data Dictionary 13.x and School Year 12/13 will be used UCOP expects both non-A-G as well as A-G course to be sent. UCOP will contact LEA’s if non-A-G courses are missing. Contact names (First and Last) must be entered correctly WITHOUT title or suffix GPA Course Type and GPA Weight Type selection in DataGate Import GUI must match values sent in COUR records Schools that use block scheduling for any of their courses need to be aware of an important restriction in the way their data can be submitted For the ELC submission, there is a limit on the number of Carnegie units that can be submitted for a course (See ELC DSR)

1/9/2016 ELC Training - 7 Data Population Key Points LEA extract should include top 15.0% of 11 th grade class ONLY Server-side DataGate validations  Critical for LEAs to scrutinize DataGate Student Roster and Transcript reports for accuracy  All warnings should be thoroughly reviewed  Transaction will fail if error is reported on server-side

1/9/2016 ELC Training - 8 Data Population Key Points (Continued…) Utilize Transcript Notes or School Name fields to submit school information which may benefit students Spot check that Credits Attempted divided by One Year Course Units is valid as follows:  1.0 for Full Year term type  0.5 for Semester term type  0.33 for Trimester term type  0.25 for Quarter term type

1/9/2016 ELC Training - 9 Data Elements Changes Changes to Existing Data Elements:  Expected High School Graduation Date (05.23) – Date must fall between 7/2012 and 6/2013  Eligibility in the Local Context (ELC) Candidate (08.19) - Element must be sent with a value of "1" and blanks will not be allowed.

1/9/2016 ELC Training - 10 FCMAT/CSIS ELC 2011 Data Submission Requirements Explains specific data population rules and data relationships that should be adhered to in order to avoid CSIS errors and ensure accurate reporting. Review DSR

1/9/2016 ELC Training - 11 DataGate Data Processing Key Points Multiple transactions are allowed in DataGate  Only one transaction per school should be certified. All transactions created should be used  If you wish to abandon a transaction then you must notify FCMAT/CSIS  Abandoned transactions not cleared or re-used could cause duplicate record warnings User must enter transmittal screen settings for each transaction Review all student transcripts before certifying

1/9/2016 ELC Training - 12 DataGate Data Processing Key Points DP Certification triggers data to be sent to UCOP Once data is certified and transmitted to UCOP, corrections cannot be made to the school/students via FCMAT/CSIS  The UCOP acceptance process has begun  If you need to make changes to transmitted data or if discrepancies discovered, contact UCOP Superintendent Certification/De-Certification NOT required for transmittal to UCOP

1/9/2016 ELC Training - 13 Notable Errors Warning 9033 Aggregate Error ELC-07  Course Term does not match with the Credits Attempted and One Year Course Units Error Code 9045  GPA Weight Type or GPA Course Type for student does not match Transmittal Elements Warning 9047, Agg Errors ELC-04, 05, 06  There is a mismatch between the Course Term in the COUR AC TA record and Course Term Type codes associated with the Session Type Error Code 9063, 9064 and 9065  Related to Institution Sequence number

1/9/2016 ELC Training - 14 Referential Integrity Errors Referential Integrity (RI) errors are detected during server processing and occur when a parent record is missing (e.g. COUR AC TA but no COUR IN NULL) Transaction will FAIL if RI Errors are detected RI Errors appear in the All Files Error Report

1/9/2016 ELC Training - 15 DataGate Application Launch TestGate for Live DataGate Demo

1/9/2016 ELC Training - 16 ELC Function Process Steps Import SIS extract files Validate imported data files Correct errors in DataGate Send data to server for additional data validation View Status of transaction and reports Retrieve tab delimited data file for analysis Certify data for submission to UCOP

1/9/2016 ELC Training - 17 SRRTS Main Login Screen

1/9/2016 ELC Training - 18 Import Transmittal Panel * Indicates Required fields Alter entries as needed for each new set of school data or new ELC transaction.

1/9/2016 ELC Training - 19 Import Transmittal Panel Continued Enter mm for years 11-12, 10-11, and respectively Enter Transaction related helpful info, max 80 characters

1/9/2016 ELC Training - 20 Import Transmittal Panel Continued These fields must match elements in COUR record Term Type must be same for last 3 years

1/9/2016 ELC Training - 21 ELC Import Files ELC Import Files Up to six files may be imported for ELC, distinguished by file type Required:  DEMO: Student demographics  ENRA: Student enrollment at schools  COUR: Student Course information  INST: Institution information by district and schools, includes schools that have eligible ELC candidates enrolled in. Optional:  PARG: Parent Guardian Communication  ASSM: Student Test Results

1/9/2016 ELC Training - 22 Sample Extract Sample COURSE file with multiple record type/sub- types. Record Sub-TypeRecord TypeFile Type COUR File: 1.COUR IN NULL – Institution information where the course was taken 2.COUR AC TA – Detail course information such as course title, final grade etc 3.COUR IN GP – GPA and class ranking information

1/9/2016 ELC Training - 23 Import Files Panel Re-Import Mode skips Transmittal Panel Remember to return to Transmittal Panel to enter school specific data

1/9/2016 ELC Training - 24 Import Error Report - Sample Report Header Report Summary Use to reference SIS Error Identification

1/9/2016 ELC Training - 25 Validation Panel When done, view reports Observe status Select Transaction Select Files – all, some or oneValidate

Validation Error Report - Sample Report Header Error Summary Error Detail Report Summary 1/9/2016 ELC Training - 26

1/9/2016 ELC Training - 27 Send Panel Select Transaction Select validated files to sendClick Send button

1/9/2016 ELC Training - 28 View Status 1.Click on View Transaction Reports… Make desired selection and click on View…

1/9/2016 ELC Training - 29 Student Roster Report Report Header School Info. Regular Program

1/9/2016 ELC Training - 30 Student Transcript 1.Select School 2.Click on Generate 3.Click on Open or Save

1/9/2016 ELC Training - 31 Student Transcript Student Demo Course Info Assessment Info Course Legend

1/9/2016 ELC Training - 32 LEA DP Certify Certify history shown here 2. Select Certify if data is ready for UCOP submit 1. Select Print to view entire data report

1/9/2016 ELC Training - 33 Retrieve Panel File available for local use and analysis. Data can be imported into Excel for analysis. 1. Select Desired Transaction(s) 2. Select Download

1/9/2016 ELC Training - 34 Known Issues for 2012 All transactions in Datagate must be used  Abandoned transactions would produce many duplicate SSID warnings

1/9/2016 ELC Training - 35 ELC Milestone Calendar ELC Submission Window (DataGate)  Start Date – July 2, 2012  End Date – September 28, 2012

1/9/2016 ELC Training - 36 ELC Documentation ELC User Guide  Explains the background and objective of ELC Submission  Help new users become familiar with DataGate ELC functions  Reference source for experienced users with questions on ELC functions Error Chart  Input Validation Errors and Resolutions  Post Aggregate Errors and Resolutions

1/9/2016 ELC Training - 37 Things to Remember Student Transcripts are viewable on View Status tab. Majority of edits happen on client side. Review BOTH All Files Error and Warning Reports. Both Primary and Alternate contact info is REQUIRED. Data Processor Certification is REQUIRED. Contact UCOP to change data that has already been Certified.

1/9/2016 ELC Training - 38 Steps to Take Next Assess accuracy and completeness of SIS  Enter or correct data values to ensure that top students are pulled in the extract  Ensure that paper transcripts are NOT submitted LEAs submitting ELC electronically should take UCOP survey at: 

1/9/2016 ELC Training - 39 Where to Get More Information Contact FCMAT/CSIS Support at:  Phone: (916)   FCMAT/CSIS Website – Support  UCOP   Phone: (800) 

1/9/2016 ELC Training - 40 Q & A