MAY HM Saturday Drill Station S. 360th St. Auburn, WA Questions??? CPT Sean
Pre-Drill Parking N Parking
Station 61 BAY Sampling Areas N
Facilitator Notes As the facilitator it is your duty to set-up, run and recover from the drill. You will have to act as dispatch and may need to act as the IC. THANK YOU FOR BEING AN IMPORTANT PART OF MAKING THESE DRILLS RELEVANT!!
SET-UP Set up an area in bay with samples (tables would be best). Request an OPS frequency from FIRE-1.
Execution Have units park per the diagram. Conduct a meeting to discuss safety/drill objectives, sampling techniques and ID technologies. Make assignments and fill out attendance roster. Assignment should include a HM Group Supervisor, Medical and Entry Team leader(s). Ensure that vitals are taken pre and post entry. Conduct a pre-entry brief. Have entry teams don PPE and enter bay to ID substance or take sample for identification outside the hot zone. If possible have an Ops crew set up Technical Decon (recommend keep Decon dry and simulate) to process Entry Teams and samples. It is good training to mix jurisdictions on entry teams or have a team from one jurisdiction gather samples for another jurisdiction to ID. Encourage using different systems, techniques and technologies to ID best practices. Once teams are complete, take time to share/demonstrate the different systems available in the Zone.
RECOVERY Cancel OPS channel. Replace equipment/training aids for next drill. Conduct a hot wash to capture lessons learned. Remind everyone to sign off the drill objective and any Annual objectives they accomplished.
Admin Please add any drill comments to the bottom of the roster. Please have participants fill out drill evaluation forms.