My Greek Mythology Project By : Akyria Boulden
Zeus Zeus’s Roman name is Jupiter. His father’s name is Cronus and his mother’s name is Rhea . His powers were to control the weather He had a wife and her name was Hera. Zeus has kids but they are too many to write. His weapon is called the thunderbolt. The amazing fact is that he had 1 kid with his wife and over a thousand kids with other people.
Hera Hera’s Roman name is Juno. Her father is Cronus and her mother is Rhea. Her husbands name is Zeus. Hera powers were goddess of married women. She was jealous of her husband because he has been cheating on her.
Poseidon Poseidon’s Roman name is Neptune. His father’s name is Cronus and his mother’s name is Rhea. His wife's name is Amphitirite His son’s name is Triton. And his powers are to control the storms of the weather. His