By: David Gelbendorf, Hila Ben-Moshe Supervisor : Alon Zvirin
- GIP sensor: Today we are capable to capture 3D images - We are able to print in 3D, with the right printer - Everyone has a passport photo on he’s I.D card - Why not printing a face in 3D?
First Stage: Developing a tool for processing a facial video and printing a 3D face automatically Input: a 3D record of a frontal face Output: a 3D printed model of the face Second Stage: Wrap the tool in a easy-to-use GUI
- Printing a 3D object requires: - A good 3D image, which contains all face features (eyes, nose and mouth) and with high density
- Printing a 3D object requires: - Smoothness and fullness - The 3D frames are not complete. Many pixels has NAN values and missing data (non-Continuity) - Choosing bounding box
- Printing a 3D object requires: - Transformation of the 3D GIP file to a 3D printer standard format (for instance obj, stl)
Recoding a video Choosing Best Frame Processing frame (creating model) Converting to STL Model ready to print
- How to choose a good frame? - Solution: Use Viola Jones face detection algorithm: - Use VJ for searching facial features - Use VJ for detecting movement of facial features Choosing Best Frame
Profile Face (no detections) True positives + False Positives (double detection of mouth and left eye) Semi-Profile Face with low detection results Choosing Best Frame
Double detection of mouth, no detection of left/right eye No detection of pair of eyes Perfect match (one match for each detector) Choosing Best Frame
Facial features detection: - Scanning each frame for a face, pair of eyes, left eye, right eye, nose and mouth - Sorted by importance : -2: Face and pair of eyes: -1: left eye, right eye, *nose -0.5: Mouth -*0.75: if found more than one nose, there will be penalty -*0.5: if found more than 2 pair of eyes - Grade: normalized to [0..1] Choosing Best Frame
Movement Detection: -Examining difference of VJ detections in adjacent frames (previous and next frames) : -Pair of eyes, left eye, mouth, nose -Calculating the distance of adjacent detections frames (Euclidean metric) -Calculating a grade according to the results. A perfect grade (1.00) will be achieved only if perfect match is found between previous and next frames in all examined features. Choosing Best Frame
- Grades examples: Choosing Best Frame
The chosen image is a raw 3d image, contains noise, holes and discontinuities. Goal: automatic filtering of the image in order to create a 3D complete, continuous model Choosing Best Frame Processing Frame
Challenge: choosing a right bounding box for the desired model (for instance, without background) Solution: choosing the bounding box automatically with optimization Choosing Best Frame Processing Frame
Bad Bounding Box (Noise is cut. Also, in the back of the head there is too much information) Choosing Best Frame Processing Frame
Good Bounding Box: Choosing Best Frame Processing Frame
Optimization of bounding box: Specially important for Z axis (depth) Iterative “exhaustive search” for optimal max Z: Starting from a min size of max Z, and progressing with max of Z axis Dividing the min – max range into levels, increasing the max Z value in each iteration Calculating a grade for each max Z value Searching for minimum grade Second option: run constrained optimization to find optimal min and max value for x, y, z (6 variables) Choosing Best Frame Processing Frame
Searching for minimum Weighted grade according to: Length of Contour 2D: 0.2 Length of Contour 3D: 0.2 Number of pixels: 0.3 Quadratic Shape of Contour: 0.7 Choosing Best Frame Processing Frame
Choosing Best Frame Processing Frame
Filtering: 3D filter: A chosen filter (median, average, raw, beltrami) Clean Margins Remove pixels far from the median of their neighbors Remove pixels with few neighbors Choose K largest connectivity components Filling Holes: cubic interpolation of each 2D connected component Choosing Best Frame Processing Frame
Problem: Dark eyebrows: risk for missing data for building the model Solution: Detect and fix holes in eyebrows: Detect eyebrows area with Viola Jones algorithm (by detecting pair of eyes position). If holes detected, try to fix by moderate filtering. Choosing Best Frame Processing Frame
Choosing Best Frame Processing Frame
Fixing Eyebrows – Examples (Detect): Example 1 : eyebrows detection returns true negative (0% missing pixels): Example 2: eyebrows detection returns true positive (28% missing pixels): Choosing Best Frame Processing Frame
Fixing Eyebrows –Repair: Trying to moderate image filtering parameters: Changing threshold of minimal neighbors from 4 to 2. Iteratively compute the distance threshold between a pixel and it’s median with is neighbors. Increasing threshold until fraction of missing data <8% or after reaching maximum threshold value. Choosing Best Frame Processing Frame
Fixing Eyebrows – Examples ( Detect and fix ): Example 1 : eyebrows detection returns true negative (0% missing pixels): Example 2: eyebrows detection returns true positive (28% missing pixels): After fixing, missing pixels fraction decreases to 5.7% Choosing Best Frame Processing Frame
Fixing Eyebrows – Examples: Example 3: Final Model with and without fixing Choosing Best Frame Processing Frame
Fixing Eyebrows – drawbacks: If Viola Jones algorithm fails to detect pair of eyes detection, eyebrows detection will fail as well. Moderate filtering may result with a distorted model. Choosing Best Frame Processing Frame
After bounding box optimization and filtering: The 3D model is prepared The Contour of the model is prepared Choosing Best Frame Processing Frame
Face model is ready, we can transform the model into 3D STL format which is a known standard for 3D models In the writing process, the 3D model’s points are re- arranged in triangles and their corresponding normals. Choosing Best Frame Processing FrameWriting STL file
Automatic bounding box may result in a cut face Automatic filtering process (which is not configured to each face individually) may result with a less accurate model, compared to a model which was filtered manually. Run-time of the all automatic modules may take a couple of minutes
Improving run-time of bottlenecks : Run-time for calculating grade for each frame Run-time for calculating bounding box Run-time for writing STL modules Improving filtering by adjusting parameters for each frame (change some parameters to be dynamic) Building a better model from several different frames
All option can be easily operated from the GUI: Choosing a video First Option: Getting a 3D model to print automatically Second Option: Edit parameters for each module: Choose best frame Choose bounding box (option for manual or automatic bounding box) Choose file format and save the model to print Advanced menu to change several parameters
Viola Jones in Matlab: on.cascadeobjectdetector-class.html