IGST, Washington DC, June 1-3, is a very good source of information on structure of groups, terms of reference, membership and activitieswww.clivar.org Clivar Structure - end data 2013 ? Scientific Steering Group Cross-cutting global panels Regional or PRA Observations & (Data see next) Modelling (see next) Atlantic Pacific Indian Southern Asia-Aus American African
IGST, Washington DC, June 1-3, 2008 Observations & Data GSOP - Global Synthesis & Observations Panel PAGES / Clivar WG (proxy data) ETCCDI - CCI/Clivar/JCOMM Expert Team on Climate Change Detection & Indices Modelling WGSIP – Working Group on Seasonal & InterAnnual Prediction WGCM - JSC/Clivar WG on Coupled Modelling WGOMD- WGCM/Clivar WG on Ocean Model Development Clivar Cross-Cutting Panels
IGST, Washington DC, June 1-3, 2008 GSOP - Global Synthesis & Observations Panel ToRs cover wide field develop + implement strategy for synthesis of global ocean, atmosphere and coupled climate information through analysis efforts – initial focus on global ocean define & fulfil Clivar needs for sustained obs develop surface fluxes as required by Clivar … Stammer, Sloyan (co-chairs) Assimilation: Haines, Weaver, Willis, Behringer, Fukasawa, + … Some notes on most relevant groups (1)
IGST, Washington DC, June 1-3, 2008 WGSIP – Working Group on Seasonal & InterAnnual Prediction ToR 2: develop appropriate data assimilation, model initialisation and forecast procedures for SIA prediction; includes observing system evaluation, ensemble & probabilistic models WGOMD- WGCM/Clivar WG on Ocean Model Developmen co-chairs Steve Griffies, Helene Banks good set of members & terms of reference Some notes on most relevant groups (2)