Unions & Labor Relations The role & importance of unions in organizations Reasons for joining a union History & legislation of unionization in U.S. Structure of unions in the U.S.
Role of Unions in Industry Improve working conditions & economics of members & non-members Improve work security from market, economic, technological & managerial threats Improve power relations Provide a structure to protect against arbitrary & capricious policies & practices
Union Goals Power –Key industries –Political activity Growth
Reasons for Joining a Union Dissatisfaction –Compensation –Job security –Working conditions –Management attitudes Socialization Union-shops
Job Satisfaction & Voting for A Union Wage Satisfaction-.40 Supervisors play favorites-.34 Overall satisfaction-.36 Satisfied with job security-.42 Good promotion chances-.30 Fringe benefit satisfaction-.31 Supervisors show appreciation-.30
Legal Framework The Wagner Act Taft-Hartley Act Landrum Griffith Act Right to work laws NLRB vs Electromation
Union membership In U. S. (in millions) Union Teamsters UAW Steelworkers1.1.4 Electrical workers.8.7 Machinists ILGWU.4.2
Reasons for Decline in Membership New collar workers in high tech industries Worker mobility High tech industries empower workers Shrinkage in old industries The graying of the work force The small blip up (politics, salting & flooding)
Public Sector Unions Forty percent of employees represented compared with ten percent in the private sector Acceptance of employee involvement Title VII of the 1978 Civil Service Reform
Organization of Unions Locals -- collects dues, elects officers & shop steward, handles grievances and discipline –Craft and Industrial Unions National -- Handles negotiations, strike funds, health insurance and pensions AFL-CIO
Backwards & Forwards Summing up: We covered unions in industry ranging from the role & goals of unions, to reasons for joining or not, a look at history & legislation that surround unionization in the US & its status today in private and public sectors. We finished with an overview union structure. Looking ahead : Next time we continue with unions & labor relations by examining how a company gets organized, & how contracts get bargained & administered. We’ll also look at future trends.