The introduction should be designed to attract the reader's attention and give her an idea of the essay's focus.
Introduction The introduction should be designed to attract the reader's attention and give her an idea of the essay's focus. 1. Begin with an attention grabber. –Some examples of potential attention grabbers include:
Introduction Startling information
Introduction Startling Fact Only about one half of each freshman class that enters any four-year university each year ever graduates (Smith 8). It is not that freshmen students are not intelligent, and the reasons half drop out are many. Some merely get homesick, others transfer to different colleges, and still others leave for personal or economic reasons. Yet a large number of students do leave for academic reasons, and most of these students never graduate because they do not realize the time and dedication to study that success in college requires.
Introduction Anecdote
Introduction Anecdote: Last summer while working construction, I met a lot of guys who were going to college. They knew I would be attending Northern Illinois University in the fall, so when we would take a break from pouring concrete or framing houses, they would always try to impress me by telling me how hard college was. They spoke of impossibly difficult tests, hours upon hours of homework, and stern professors who cared nothing for their students. I must admit that they had me scared, but now that I have been at NIU for a year, I know that students can do well in their studies if they discipline themselves to study regularly, take good class notes, and miss class only for illness and emergencies.
Introduction Famous Quote
Introduction Famous Quote: The American philosopher John Dewey once said that the job of the educational system in a democracy is "to teach students how to think, not what to think" (Philosophy and Rhetoric). Dewey's point, however, is not always upheld in our schools. It seems that more and more in today’s schools, students are directly influenced by those who are supposed to evoke knowledge rather than force opinion. Teachers sometimes impose their own political and even religious beliefs on unsuspecting students, which distorts their personal opinion.
Introduction Summary Information A few sentences explaining your topic in general terms can lead the reader gently to your thesis. Each sentence should become gradually more specific, until you reach your thesis.
Introduction Attention Grabber
Introduction 2. Provide a few sentences which provide transition from the attention grabber to the thesis statement.
Introduction 2. Provide a few sentences which provide transition from the attention grabber to the thesis statement.
Introduction Famous Quote: The American philosopher John Dewey once said that the job of the educational system in a democracy is "to teach students how to think, not what to think" (Philosophy and Rhetoric). Dewey's point, however, is not always upheld in our schools. It seems that more and more in today’s schools, students are directly influenced by those who are supposed to evoke knowledge rather than force opinion. Teachers sometimes impose their own political and even religious beliefs on unsuspecting students, which distorts their personal opinion.
Introduction Attention Grabber Transition Material
Introduction 3. Finish the paragraph with your thesis statement.
Introduction 3. Finish the paragraph with your thesis statement. The Definition: The one- or two-sentence condensation of the argument or analysis that is to follow is the thesis statement.
Introduction 3. Finish the paragraph with your thesis statement. The Definition: The one- or two-sentence condensation of the argument or analysis that is to follow is the thesis statement. The Function:
Introduction Attention Grabber Transition Material Thesis