1. Development and Structure of Education Education and Religion
Bureaucracy (traditional teachers) System set up with specialization, rules, procedure and impersonality in mind Schools and test are standardized Move to change this to an extent today
Non-Bureaucratic Educational Reforms (progressive teachers) 1.Open classroom- no competition or grades; teachers and students are equals 2.Cooperative learning- emphasizes group work seen in the workplace 3.Block scheduling- a college like schedule with more time for learning; designed to limit lecture and encourage project/experiment learning 4.Integrative curriculum- students have input on curriculum w/ teacher
Back to Basics Movement Began in 1983, when American achievement slipped as compared to other countries Encourages: more requirements, higher standards of achievement, standardized tests, school days and years longer, more homework, stricter discipline
4 Alternatives to Public School 1.Voucher System- public funds can be used to support public, private, or religious schools 2.Charter- operated like private, but run by public teachers and administrators 3.Magnet- focus on a specific field (art, mechanics, etc) 4.For-profit- run by private companies on gov funds