Northwest Power and Conservation Council slide 1 6 th Plan Industrial Conservation Potential.


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Presentation transcript:

Northwest Power and Conservation Council slide 1 6 th Plan Industrial Conservation Potential

Northwest Power and Conservation Council slide 2 Boundary Issues Industrial Loads Not Included: Industrial Loads Not Included: –Aluminum smelting (DSI) –Sewage or Water Treatment –Mining –Agriculture Commercial Loads Included Commercial Loads Included –Large Refrigerated Warehouses Savings Potential Not Included Savings Potential Not Included –Enterprise Server Farms or Large Scale IT

Northwest Power and Conservation Council slide 3 Summary Results

Northwest Power and Conservation Council slide 4 PNW Non-DSI Industrial Electric Load 2006 About 4600 MWa

Northwest Power and Conservation Council slide 5 Non-DSI Industrial Load Forecast (January 2009 Version)

Northwest Power and Conservation Council slide 6 Savings by Industry

Northwest Power and Conservation Council slide 7 Supply Curve From Tool

Northwest Power and Conservation Council slide 8 Industrial Supply Curve

Northwest Power and Conservation Council slide 9 Tools & Resources Industrial Supply Curve Model (ISC) Review Industrial Supply Curve Model (ISC) Review –Written overview describes model ISC Tool: Industrial Tool.xls ISC Tool: Industrial Tool.xls –Savings model from Strategic Energy Group –Measures, savings, costs, documentation System Optimization Detail System Optimization Detail –Overview: Systems Whole Plant Optimization Overview R8.doc –Workbook: Systems Optimization R9.1rev.xls PC-Industrial D-10.xls PC-Industrial D-10.xls –Converts ISC to Council TRC levelized cost methodology Industrial Data Catalogue Industrial Data Catalogue –Database of industrial energy studies, assessments, reports, case studies, technology reports and guidebooks

Northwest Power and Conservation Council slide 10 Where to find it in the ISC model

Northwest Power and Conservation Council slide 11 Where to Find It in the Data Catalogue