Update on Ecodesign vAConsult Gerard van Amerongen SKN meeting Paris October
Introduction In previous SKN meetings I had a good overview on all that was happening – Now many people are involved and I do miss things! Perhaps this must be the last time for me to update you on this issue in a general sense? The following gives a summary from my (limited) point of view 2
Known issues SOLCAL method – The method contains faults. No solution available, but we should be able to live with that – The prEN , method 2 is an improved version of SOLCAL This version cannot be used now, but only after harmonisation (1/2 2016) Determination of the water heating efficiency is not always very clear – Both prEN and prEN give clear instructions – However, only for inspiration. Legally only after harmonisation 3
Known issues DST testing – The references for DST testing are now prescribed in the prEN12976 This is the only reference. Safe to use (when you can get a copy) Very safe to use after harmonisation – The issue for DST testing of Mediterranean SDHW systems A small taskforce has drafted a proposal (ESTESC) For a solid solutions more work is needed. 4
Known issues Tool and database not broadly accessible – German tool: VdZ Heizungstool – Labelpack A+ project – Other national initiatives The tools aim at the installer and packages – The solar thermal supply sector is not covered: Documentation for solar devices and hot water storage tanks This is a bottleneck for many companies vAConsult has such a tool for sale – With sufficient interest it could be distributed in different languages Perhaps an option for the Solar Keymark database? 5
Known issues No harmonised standards available – We have to work from the regulations and publications of the commission Not very legally safe Preparations for harmonisation are well underway – Drafted and presented to TC 312: prEN12975, prEN12976 and prEN12977 – Drafted and accepted by TC 228 for formal vote: prEN , method 2 (SOLCAL) – Thanks to SCF budget! 6
Known issues on harmonisation The acceptance for harmonisation is not certain – prEN12975 contains a paragraph for product families Necessary, but a risk for acceptance – prEN12976 contains the missing parts from the commissions publications Risky for acceptance – prEN , method 2 is an improved SOLCAL As such not the same: not accepted It will take at least a year for conclusions – In the meantime we work with what we have 7
To conclude Now we have to work with the ‘thing’ – Incorporation it in your businesses – Promotion; use the power of the label This is what it all is about Get your customers attention! – Make the package interesting for the installer – Think of new fitting business models 8