INTEREST GROUPS GOALS 4 Supply public w/ info they think the people should have. 4 To build a positive image for the group. 4 To promote a particular public policy.
PROPAGANDA 4 Use propaganda to create the public attitude they want. 4 Most think it is lying 4 It is a technique
Single Interest Groups 4 Concentrate their efforts on one issue, Ex: NRA 4 Involved in politics: ~ major source of campaign funding
~ affect elections based on each candidate's stand, in regard to the groups' interests
L obbying 4 Agent (lobbyist)for a pressure group, usually to influence public policy. 4 Also called legislative counsel or public representative.
Lobbying cont. 4 Use “grass roots” pressure- speak for the common people. 4 They will buy lunches & dinners, write speeches to influence.
Lobby Regulation 4 False misleading info, bribery & unethical pressure is not uncommon. 4 Lobbying Act of 1946 passed. Lobbyists & group must register with secretary of Senate.