Action Tracker · Status Report | Jennifer Strus, Assistant SecretaryUpdate: 6/2015 Disproportionality| Children’s Administration Background (complete the following, note N/A if not applicable) DSHS Goal 3: Protection - Each individual who is vulnerable will be protected Strategic Objective 3.6: Disparity ratio of minority-to-white children who remain in out-of-home care for more than two years will decrease. Measure / Strategic Objective Title: Children of color should not be over-represented in out-of-home care. Success Measure: The disparity ratio of minority-to-white children who remain in out-of-home care for more than two years decreases by July ID#Problem to be solvedStrategy/ApproachTask(s) to support strategyLeadStatusDueExpected OutcomePartners 1There is a lack of “courageous conversations” about race and culture Provide training/coaching to staff on how to have conversations about race and disproportionality. Designate person(s) to coach the conversations. 1. Provide Prejudice Reduction Workshop using CA staff. 2. Lead will discuss with Alliance Director timeline for Alliance to secure national training. 3. Transition teaching of Prejudice Reduction Workshop to be provided by the Alliance Trainers. Kathy TaylorOn Track7/15/15Increase the cultural competency of Social Workers in their work with families of color. Alliance 3There is a lack of “courageous conversations” about race and culture Pilot adding/standardizing conversation about race/culture/bias/disproportionality to case consultations. Incorporate in all Shared Decision Making 1. Concurrent planning with the Shared Panning Meeting A3 Project to leverage strategy. 2. Add standardized conversation about disproportionality to educate r caregivers during a department Shared Planning Meeting. Krysten LegetteNeeds Improvement9/30/15Caregivers will increase their knowledge of disproportionality effects as well as their commitment to permanency. A3 Shared Planning Meeting Team 4There is a lack of “courageous conversations” about race and culture Request message from assistant secretary (or deputy) to encourage courageous conversations about race as standing agenda items on all-staff meetings & unit meetings. Write a memo to provide additional clarity related for Regional Leadership regarding expectations on communications with staff at regularly scheduled staff meetings. Deborah PurceCompleted6/4/14Increase the cultural competency of Social Workers in their work with families of color. Assistant Secretary Office 6Social workers and supervisors are afraid of being blamed for tragedies Pilot PRTs for all Native American children in care for 12 months (or less) in one office/unit/region. 1. Talked with Regional Representation to determine interest for pilot project. 2. Work with identified Region to pilot project (Region 2 – OICW Office) Kathy TaylorNeeds Improvement7/31/15Increase the confidence and accountably at dealing with the barriers to permanency. Region 2 – OICW Office 8Social workers and supervisors are afraid of being blamed for tragedies In meeting with community response teams (and RDS and Family to Family), include discussion and preparation for the fact that communities and families are responsible (in partnership with CA) for child safety. Racial disproportionality data will be incorporated into Family Assessment Response community presentations 1. Obtain data 2. Analyze data for presentation 3. Create presentation 4. Deliver presentation in conjunction with FAR scheduled roll-out. Shanne MontagueCompleted5/31/2014Increase local community knowledge of disproportionality effects. FAR Leads 9Social services/legal professionals are fearful of unfamiliar cultures Discuss with ICW Program Manager how CA line staff and supervisors can increase communication and engagement with Tribes on local reservations. Create opportunities for staff to go and visit (unit meetings, cultural events, retreats). 1. Talk with ICW Program Manager and staff about staff engagement with tribes. 2. Work with local offices to increase their communication with local tribes Shanne MontagueCompleted6/4/14Increase familiarity with local tribal MOU language and practice outlined. Tribal Partners 10Social services/legal professionals are fearful of unfamiliar cultures Designate Racial Disproportionality representative be designated to serve on ICW curriculum re-write. Identify a Disproportionality Representative to engage with re-write project. Nicole MillerCompleted6/4/14Develop a standardized curriculum to train Social Workers at Regional Core Training Alliance Proposed Action Type of Status Report A3/Strategic Plan