Vision Our vision is to create a community proud of its small town charm with big city amenities; progress and preservation work together to create an attractive livable city center and a thriving, diverse market place where all are welcomed to gather and celebrate our unique heritage and patriotism. Mission Our mission is to create a sustainable, revitalized, and vibrant downtown that is an economic hub while enhancing the quality of life for the community. M AIN S TREET H INESVILLE H INESVILLE D OWNTOWN D EVELOPMENT A UTHORITY
Board of Directors Melissa Carter Ray, Chairwoman 1091 Kings Road / Babs Holtzman, Vice-Chairwoman PO Box John Baker, Secretary Barbara Martin, Treasurer PO Box / Mayor James Thomas, Jr. 115 E. M.L. King Jr., Dr / Joe Ford 120 Ali Avenue Donald Lovette 109 Flat Shoal Lane / M AIN S TREET H INESVILLE H INESVILLE D OWNTOWN D EVELOPMENT A UTHORITY
Melissa Carter Ray, Chairwoman State Farm Insurance Downtown Business Owner Term ends: 05/06/2016 Babs Holtzman, Vice-Chairwoman Coldwell Banker Holtzman, Realtors & Insurance & Storage Downtown Business Owner and Resident Term ends: 05/06/2016 John Baker, Secretary Happy Acres Mobile Home Park Downtown Business Owner Term ends: 05/06/2016 Barbara Martin, Treasurer Geo Vista Credit Union Downtown Partner Term ends: 05/06/2016 Mayor James Thomas, Jr. City of Hinesville Mayor, Elected Official Term ends: 05/06/2016 Joe Ford South East Bank, Downtown Resident Term ends: 05/06/2016 Donald Lovette Liberty County County Chairman, Elected Official Term ends: 05/06/2016 M AIN S TREET H INESVILLE H INESVILLE D OWNTOWN D EVELOPMENT A UTHORITY
Promotion Advertising Event and Project coverage in The Coastal Courier / Frontline Television Coverage with Savannah Outlets Partnership with Ft. Stewart BOSS and Media Electronic Billboards Social Media Marketing Projects Spring & Winter Shopping Promotions Sponsorships Provide sponsorships for Chamber’s Christmas Events HDDA / Main Street Events Hinesville Farmers Market, Thursdays from March 5–November 19 Scarecrow Stroll, October 30 Partner Event Assistance Assist with Chamber Blues & BBQ and Chamber Christmas Events Assist with HMAC Veterans Salute M AIN S TREET H INESVILLE H INESVILLE D OWNTOWN D EVELOPMENT A UTHORITY
Organization Grants Will administer façade grants Presentations Will speak to schools, civic clubs and government bodies Training Plan to attend National Main Street Conference Will attend area Main Street Managers Meetings Business Meetings Will produce 6 Downtown Hinesville Merchant Meetings HDDA Event Assistance Bryant Commons Grand Opening Small World Festival, 5K and Car Show Easter Egg Roll / Unity Fest City Wide Yard Sale Movie in the Park Series Fall Open Park Day Communications Maintain *New HDDA Website & Facebook Pages Develop Twitter, Pinterest and YouTube Pages M AIN S TREET H INESVILLE H INESVILLE D OWNTOWN D EVELOPMENT A UTHORITY
Economic Development Retention & Expansion Assist existing businesses with retention and expansion Recruitment Provide tours & information to prospects Education Produce 3 education sessions for Downtown Businesses Special Projects Hold 2 Info / Open House nights for all available Downtown Properties M AIN S TREET H INESVILLE H INESVILLE D OWNTOWN D EVELOPMENT A UTHORITY
Design Streetscape Projects Monitor completion of Central Ave. Landscape Projects Update of Victory Park Pocket Parks on Main Street History Projects Visiting Exhibits in the Old Jail Design Assistance Provide Design Assistance for Façade Grants Restoration & Repair Complete Restoration & Repair of Old Jail Fence and Gate Preservation Resources Provide Advice to Property Owners Apply for scholarship to annual Historic Preservation Conference M AIN S TREET H INESVILLE H INESVILLE D OWNTOWN D EVELOPMENT A UTHORITY