Parent Camp Clint Small Middle School October 21, 2015
New Attendance Law for ALL Classes - Significant Impact on Middle Schools “* According to the Texas Administrative Code, Chapter , a student shall be given credit or final grade for a class only if the student has been in attendance for 90 percent of the days the class is offered. If you believe that there are justifiable reasons for your child's excessive absences, the decision regarding loss of credit or final grade may be appealed to the faculty attendance committee. To initiate an appeal, the student should obtain a 'Request for Attendance Review' from his/her assistant principal.”
What does the new attendance law mean? 8 Days or Parts of Days in Semester 1 10 days or Parts of Days in Semester 2 Attendance by period- so 8 days missed in math class at B8 in semester 1 means No Credit unless the student attends the make up session.
Counselors Dr. Art Mendez ( A - L ) Cynthia Diaz ( M - Z ) Our goal is to work closely with students, parents, and teachers, making the Small Middle School experience one that bridges elementary school and high school. Middle school is a time of growth - physically, emotionally, and especially academically. We strive to support students in the development of becoming independent, self-directing, and self-correcting individuals who take responsibility for their own learning. We assist students in making course decisions and in planning for the future.
Why should I see a counselor? 1. I’m struggling with my classes. 2. I just can’t seem to get my homework done. 3. I’m so disorganized! I can never find my homework even if I’ve completed it. 4. I’m having trouble with my friends, teachers, or family. 5. I need someone to talk to and I can’t talk to my parents or friends. 6. I need help choosing my classes. Counselors are here to: Listen Help you solve problems Set & support academic goals Set & support personal goals Provide a safe space to talk & be yourself Help you learn about college & career options for your future.
Green Tech Academy Marlo Malott
GTA : Brief Overview 1 Academy 4 certificate choices Green Tech Green Tech STEM Advanced Academics
Cougar Club and After School Tutorials Rationale: To provide students with a structured after school program that allows them to socialize, complete homework, attend tutorials and attendance recovery. After School Cougar Club Procedures ●Students will report to the cafeteria Monday – Friday by 3:45 PM and sign in and receive a light snack. The first 25 minutes students will need to work on any homework or read. ●After homework time students may play games, talk to friends or be on their devices (following the AISD Acceptable Use Policy). ●Students will be released and monitored at 5:00 PM for the late bus or for parent pick up. After School Tutorials ●Students should report immediately to their tutorial classroom ●If student is assigned of CAT Club (Cougar Academic Tutorials) parents will be contacted by one of the following, the counselor, the teacher or an administrator. Students will report to room 100 on Tuesday and Wednesday. ●After tutorials, students will need to report the cafeteria for pick up or the late bus. Students will not be allowed to wait outside for parents after 3:45 PM.
Advanced Academics Becky White Advanced academics are educational programs designed to move students with high ability at a pace appropriate to their rate of learning through studies that go beyond the age-level or grade- level expectations which include depth and complexity, provide academic acceleration, and address the cognitive, social, and emotional needs of the students. Smart without compromise. Potential without limits.
Advanced Academics Innovation lab Destination Imagination Academic UIL Math Pentathlon Duke TIP NJHS Scholar Speakers & Field Trips
Discipline Goal: To solve problems at the lowest level possible. De’Sean Roby: 6th grade, 8th grade M-Z Kurt Obersteller: 7th Grade, 8th grade A-L Changing Behavior Goal setting Supporting Academics Creating good citizens
Discipline (continued) Reporting an incident: Incident Report Forms in: Counselor’s Office Main Office Students can report their concerns to any adult on campus Teachers will report their concerns to counselors and administrators Investigating an incident: All parties get due process and video observed (if available)
Discipline (continued) Communication: Parent/Guardian called and informed of the incident and consequences. FERPA: Family Educational Right to Privacy Act We will not discuss other students or their consequences Follow-up: Depending on the severity of the concern, there may be follow up with the student(s) to help solve the issue, teach proper behavior and to avoid possible conflict in the future.
Breakout Sessions Session I: Meet the SRO and Internet Safety with Officer Duane Ammerman (SRO) RM 110 Session II: Room 112 GTA Overview with Marlo Malott (Green Academy Dean) Session III: Goal Setting with Art Mendez and Cynthia Diaz (CSMS Counselors) Session IV: NSSI with Sherry Patton-Grubb (Social Service Specialist)