1 Hands and face tracking for VR applications Adviser: Chih-Hung Lin Date:2010/12/14 Speaker: Chin He Hsu Javier Varona, Jose’ M. Buades, Francisco J. Perales Unidad de Gra´ficos y Visio´n por Ordenador, Dept. de matematiques i Informatica, Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB), crta. Valldemossa km. 7,5, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
2 Outline 1.Introduction 2. Hands and face tracking algorithm 3.Visualization using H-Anim 4.Conclusion and future work
3 1.Introduction In order to allow a user to navigate in a 3D- space
4 Interactive 3D-space
5 system must detect a new user –entering into the system’s environment –analyse him to set parameters –tracking interesting regions
6 2. Hands and face tracking algorithm tracking problem lies in identifying both hands and face in each image –detect skin-colour pixels –data association algorithm
Skin-colour segmentation module skin-colour detection –necessary to model the actor’s skin-colour in a previous step
8 skin-colour sample transform these pixels from the RGB-space to HSL-space –hue and saturation values contain the chroma information two main problems –human skin hue values are near the red colour –saturation values are near 0
10 skin-colour distribution Gaussian model
12 Contours of skin-colour blobs after the connected components process
Data association module
14 Next linear scheme of prediction that an extreme limb will maintain the same velocity
15 Set of hypothesis
16 define an approximation to the distance from the x image pixel to the hypothesis h
17 calculating the angle Normalized image pixel and the hypothesis centre
19 distance between an image pixel and a hypothesis if d( x,h) 0, then x is outside the hypothesis h
20 a blob with empty intersection with all hypotheses a pixel x of a blob is inside a limb hypothesis
21 Occlusion case solved using multiple labelling
D-point reconstruction
24 Complete procedure: color segmentation, data association and 3D reconstruction
25 3. Visualization using H-Anim H-Anim (humanoid animation) we use the H-Anim standard, this way we can collaborate with standard VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language ) models
26 3D position
27 4. Conclusion and future work proposed a new system human–computer interaction future work