Rahner on inclusivism ~ slide 1 Rahner & inclusivism zKarl Rahner ( ) - German Jesuit zToday we have a new awareness of the pluralism of religions Why? yIn the past, other religions were viewed as part of strange, far-away other cultures. yToday, the West realizes that it is no longer the center of history & culture. Thus other religions offer themselves as possibilities.
Rahner on inclusivism ~ slide 2 Rahner & inclusivism So what should be the Christian position toward other religions? yChristianity tends to view itself as an absolute religion, intended for all humankind? yWhy? äThe Incarnation äThus we hold that “as regards destination, Christianity is the absolute and hence the only religion for all men” ( 2 nd ed, 552).
Rahner on inclusivism ~ slide 3 Rahner & inclusivism But non-Christian religions do contain elements truth yThey contain natural knowledge of God yThey also contain revelatory knowledge; this is available to all humans through God’s grace
Rahner on inclusivism ~ slide 4 Rahner & inclusivism yFor these reasons, non-Christian religions may be regarded as “lawful religions.” yA “lawful religion” is any religion which has a positive effect on persons right relationship with God (555). This is Rahner’s inclusivism yKnowledge of God and a relationship with God is possible in other religions äThis follows from the nature of God. God desires the salvation of all persons (554).
Rahner on inclusivism ~ slide 5 Rahner & inclusivism äIt also follows for moral reasons, the way people live their lives. There are many good and sincere persons outside of Christianity. But all non-Christian religions contain flaws & come in degrees -- some are closer to a right relationship with God than others. yThose from non-Christian religions who respond to God are “anonymous Christians” & and are living “anonymous Christianity” (558).
Rahner on inclusivism ~ slide 6 Rahner & inclusivism Problem: Why prosylatize? yBeing a Christian is still a “higher stage of development” (559). zComments & criticisms The arrogance issue Rahner’s response: Christians should approach other religions with tolerance, humility, & yet firmness.