Eastern Wind Integration and Transmission Study David Corbus - Project Manager Matt Schuerger (Consultant) National Wind Technology Center NREL Golden, Colorado USA
Objectives of Eastern Wind Integration and Transmission Study (EWITS) Evaluate the power system impacts (operating due to variability and uncertainty of wind; transmission; reliability) associated with increasing wind capacity to 20% and 30% of retail electric energy sales in the Joint Coordinated System Plan region (MISO/PJM/SPP/TVA) by 2024; Build upon prior wind integration studies and related technical work; Coordinate with Joint Coordinated System Plan (JCSP) and current regional power system study work; Produce meaningful, broadly supported results through a technically rigorous, inclusive study process.
Key Issues & Questions include What are the benefits from long distance transmission that accesses multiple wind resources that are geographically diverse? What are the benefits from long distance transmission that move large quantities of remote wind energy to urban markets? What are the cost/benefits of remote wind resources that require transmission versus lower wind speed local wind resources? How much does geographical diversity help reduce system variability and uncertainty?
Key Issues & Questions include What additional system operational impacts and costs are imposed by wind generation variability and uncertainty? What is the role and value of wind forecasting? What benefit does balancing area cooperation or consolidation bring to wind variability and uncertainty management? How does wind generation capacity value affect reliability?
Wind Integration Methods & Best Practices Capture system characteristics and response through operational simulations and modeling; Capture wind deployment geographic diversity through synchronized weather simulation; Match wind output with actual historic utility load and load forecasts; Use actual large wind plant power statistical data for short-term regulation and ramping; Examine wind variation in combination with load variations.
Wind Integration Methods & Best Practices Cont. Utilize wind forecasting best practices and combine wind forecast error with load forecast error; Examine impacts of Balancing Area consolidation and fast markets.
Key Tasks- Eastern Wind Integration & Transmission Study Three main tasks 1)Mesoscale wind resource modeling and development of wind power plant outputs 2) Transmission Analysis (with JCSP) 3) Wind integration study
Key Tasks- Mesoscale wind resource modeling Develop high quality wind resource data sets for the wind integration study area (mesoscale modeling, 3 years)
Key Tasks- Eastern Wind Integration & Transmission Study Identify wind power generation sites for 20% & 30% wind energy scenarios –More than 300 GWs of total wind power data generated in time series for 3 years! –135 GWs for 20% energy and 200 GWs for 30% energy scenario
Key Tasks- Transmission Analysis Develop transmission plan (coordinated with JCSP) –Run hourly dispatch/market models
Joint Coordinated System Plan (JCSP) The 2007/2008 Joint Coordinated System plan will include MISO, PJM, SPP, and TVA The JCSP will perform a long term planning study incorporating both economic (2024) and reliability (2018) analysis of system performance for the combined four JCSP areas Collaboration with the parallel DOE Eastern Wind Integration & Transmission Study will provide underlying assumptions for generation scenarios Scheduled to be completed December 2008
Key Tasks- Eastern Wind Integration & Transmission Study Evaluate operating impacts and associated costs –Regulation –Load Following –Unit Commitment Evaluate reliability impacts (ELCC/LOLP)
Technical Review Committee (TRC) A TRC will be formed with regional and national technical experts on wind generation and power systems analysis to help guide and review the study The TRC will review and provide feedback on key assumptions, methods, and preliminary results It is anticipated that the TRC will meet quarterly throughout the study
Preliminary Schedule Nov 07 – Feb 08 Study Development and Stakeholder input January 2008 Award Wind Mesoscale Modeling Contract February 2008 Award Wind Integration Contract Jan – Oct 2008 Develop Wind Data Sets April – Dec 2008 Develop Transmission Plan in Coordination with JCSP Sept 08 – May 2009 Evaluate Operating & Reliability Impacts June 2009 Complete Study
Your Input is Important! Suggestions on questions to address in study or other comments/input –Study methodology, scope, scenarios, transmission analysis, operating impacts, Data for study (e.g., load and wind resource tall tower data) Contact Dave Corbus at ( ) or Matt Schuerger at ( )