A GENDA Status of MIS / EBT Implementation WIC Approved Products List and Minimum Inventory Participant notification materials 1/22/20152
S TATUS OF I MPLEMENTATION C ERES AND E WIC User Acceptance Testing is underway. Trained UA Testers are running scripts, checking for “defects” in both Ceres and eWIC systems. Defects are researched, assigned, fixed. Testing again in Feb of all fixes. Rutland DO continuing pilot planning. Notification materials for participants and grocers being developed. Big chains and Rutland area grocers now applying for authorization as WIC retail vendors 1/22/20153
What retail vendors must stock year-around to be authorized for WIC Specifies the categories and quantities of WIC foods that must be stocked at all times Goal: to make sure WIC shopper has adequate choices Categories: M INIMUM I NVENTORY S TANDARD 1/22/20154
How to read the MI Standard What’s “WIC approved?” => Consult the Approved Products List M INIMUM I NVENTORY S TANDARD 1/22/20155
The specific food items approved for eWIC purchase & for Minimum Inventory The APL is loaded in Ceres and the Xerox system by UPC code – grocery store scanners read the UPC code and compare to what’s in their UPC/APL database. A PPROVED P RODUCTS L IST (APL) 1/22/20156
Messages: Choices, Convenience, Flexibility, Connections Attend a Learning Fair “The New WIC Card – Coming Soon to Vermont WIC” Posters Flyers Postcard (large format) Newsletter article (Spring Rutland, Fall rest of state) Newsletter insert (DO specific) P ARTICIPANT M ATERIALS 1/22/20157
N EXT RCN M EETING : F EBRUARY 26 12:30 PM -1:30 PM Details of the Vermont eWIC/Ceres Readiness Toolkit First monthly Rutland Pilot Planning Report If you will miss the meeting, please review the meeting materials and contact us with any questions and suggestions Lynne Bortree Jeanne Keller 1/22/20158