Zen Buddhism A form of Mahayana Buddhism
Transmission of Teachings Focus is enlightenment Focus is enlightenment Indian Dhyana- Chinese and Japanese Zen Indian Dhyana- Chinese and Japanese Zen Meditation Meditation Mahakasyapa; Buddha’s disciple who understood the flower…. Mahakasyapa; Buddha’s disciple who understood the flower…. Bodhidharma brought Zen to China in 250 CE Bodhidharma brought Zen to China in 250 CE Roshi-Zen master Roshi-Zen master
Zen Teachings “Zen is the art of seeing into the nature of one’s own being, and it points the way from bondage to freedom.” Suzuki “Zen is the art of seeing into the nature of one’s own being, and it points the way from bondage to freedom.” Suzuki Suzuki brought Zen to the West. Suzuki brought Zen to the West. Zen is the direct experience of Truth. Zen is the direct experience of Truth.
Zen Experiential Experiential Beyond Words Beyond Words Beyond Logical Thinking Beyond Logical Thinking Enlightenment is satori—freedom from bondage from thought, feeling, and ego; it is the pure experience of one’s being. Enlightenment is satori—freedom from bondage from thought, feeling, and ego; it is the pure experience of one’s being.
Zen Practice Koans-designed to frustrate the mind Koans-designed to frustrate the mind Dokusan Meetings is when student appears before the Master to interpret a koan previously given. Dokusan Meetings is when student appears before the Master to interpret a koan previously given Koans 1700 Koans Sound of one hand clapping Sound of one hand clapping
Fruits of Zen Healthy vigorous mind Healthy vigorous mind Practical and attentive to world Practical and attentive to world Focuses on the here and now Focuses on the here and now
Monastic Lifestyle Rigorous training and menial tasks Rigorous training and menial tasks Koans Koans Zazen-seated meditation Zazen-seated meditation Work is shared Work is shared Master-Disciple relationship Master-Disciple relationship
Zen in the World Zazen practiced in daily life Zazen practiced in daily life Present Moment living Present Moment living Social justice focus Social justice focus Cultural arts Cultural arts Gardens Gardens Sumie-black ink painting Sumie-black ink painting Swordplay and archery Swordplay and archery Satori is not a permanent state, always deepening…..
Transmission of Teachings Rinzai and Soto- Japanese Zen Rinzai and Soto- Japanese Zen Zen Master, Eisai brought Rinzai sect. Sudden awakening-Satori Zen Master, Eisai brought Rinzai sect. Sudden awakening-Satori Koans bring about Satori by frustrating the thinking mind. Koans bring about Satori by frustrating the thinking mind. Zen Master, Dogan Soto Zen Zen Master, Dogan Soto Zen School of gradual awakening School of gradual awakening Emphasizes day to day practice of Zen through zazen, sitting meditation Emphasizes day to day practice of Zen through zazen, sitting meditation