“R.O.P.” Return On Programming “R.O.I.”??
1 case treats 226 Bushels of Wheat 1 case for 160 acres $607.52/case SRP Max Rebate of 9% ($54.68) $1/acre rebate (matching products) ($160.00) $ $ $160.00= $392.48/case SRP (160 acres) DIVIDEND
1 cases treats 226 Bushels of wheat 1 case for 160 acres $450.00/case SRP (160 acres) $ – $ = $57.52 for 160 acres RANCONA APEX
Wheat 1,000,000 seeds in a bushel Seeding rate of 1.5 bushels per acre = 1,500,000 seeds in an acre 240,000,000 seeds in 160 acres
COMPETITOR - Wheat 1 Acre160 AcresTotals 10-30% treated30,0004,800,000Below 90% 30-50% treated 50-70% treated 70-90% treated % treated 510, , , ,000 81,600,000 76,800,000 33,600,000 16,800, ,800, % treated % treated 135,000 30,000 21,600,000 4,800, % 76,800,000
RANCONA APEX - Wheat 1 Acre160 Acres Totals 70-90% treated30,0004,800, % -4,800, % treated % treated % treated % treated 30, , , ,000 4,800,000 43,200,000 86,400,000 43,200, % -182,400, % treated % treated 105,000 75,000 16,800,000 12,000, % -45,600, % treated105,00016,800,000
On 160 acres of wheat COMPARISSON COMPETITOR: Below 90% - 196,800,000 (158,400,000 plants are between 30-70% of rate) % - 76,800,000 RANCONA APEX: 70-90% - 4,800, % - 182,400, % - 45,600,000
“In my trials, Rancona (ipconazole) provided better control of Fusarium root rot than other seed treatments” - Roger Ashley, North Dakota State University Area Extension specialist/cropping systems. Ipconazole demonstrated consistent efficacy and reliable protection and did an excellent job controlling smut and performed similarly from year to year - Juliet Windes, Cereal Pathologist and Assistant Professor at University of Idaho Ipconazole – “Emergent counts are always some of the best in any particular trial, and it provides good seedling protection from Fusarium and bunts,” says Alan Dyer, Montana State University cereal pathologist
Low Dust Off Better Seed Coverage Strength Of Key Disease Control “In my trials, Rancona (ipconazole) provided better control of Fusarium root rot than other seed treatments” - Roger Ashley, North Dakota State University Area Extension specialist/cropping systems. SUMMARY
Low Dust Off Better Seed Coverage Strength Of Key Disease Control Performance Consistency Under Varying Growing Conditions Ipconazole demonstrated consistent efficacy and reliable protection and did an excellent job controlling smut and performed similarly from year to year - Juliet Windes, Cereal Pathologist and Assistant Professor at University of Idaho SUMMARY
Low Dust Off Better Seed Coverage Strength Of Key Disease Control Performance Consistency Under Varying Growing Conditions Usability Under Varying Treatment Conditions Increased Yield SUMMARY
DIVIDEND $ RANCONA APEX $ $ Bushel an acre of wheat - $7.00/bushel $7.00 X 160 acres = $1,120