Bob Wittmeyer
MIG TF Charter Examine and investigate the reliability, and market, impacts as well as the interconnection processes/procedures for Generation Units with more than one interconnection in the ERCOT Market. MIG will issue a whitepaper to WMS/ROS at their December meetings Goal MIG will issue a whitepaper to ROS/WMS containing a list of: Reliability concerns and mitigation actions, Market pros and cons, Policy/Planning issues related to the interconnection process, for generation units with multiple interconnections in ERCOT. For ROS/WMS Approval
Where we are Answers to most initial questions were sent out to WMS/ROS. Few questions still under review White paper is being developed On Schedule for Final presentation in December (Draft in November).
General Direction Existing Protocols pretty well cover MIG’s today. Some refinement/clarification will be required Expect that ERCOT will have the ability to direct a MIG to a specific point during an “ERCOT emergency” Expect a MIG will be able to request a specific point of interconnection with Notice {still being worked on but current book ends between 3 – 90 Days - (30-90 more likely)}. (Book ends will be a decision point for WMS/ROS (Dec 09)). PCRR eligible units will be locked to Sept 99 date not only for Commercial Date, but also Generation Interconnect Node. New Interconnects will follow SGIA guidelines, just like any other new unit (no priority). A MIG will likely face the risk of CCN Approval for inclusion in TCOS, before the TSP will build the second point of interconnection.
Next Months Vote (1) Timeline for Market Participant Notice prior to a Switch 3 Days – Min Outage Notice period and max value to MP 30 Days - The TSP shall notification requirement for relocated Facility. 75 Days - keep topology constant for TCR/CRR calculations. 90 Days – RMR requirement and Complex outage notification timeline. 1 Yr – The topology stays the as approved by the ERCOT Board of Directors
Next Months Vote (2) Optimization Function for TSP regarding Interconnections Maximize Interconnection Flexibility Minimize Transmission Investment Economic Planning (Production cost vs. TCOS)