MAP: Measured Academic Progress© Parent Coffee February 10, 2010
What is MAP? Online assessment tool offered in Reading, Language Usage, and Mathematics. Grades two and four are piloting Reading and Mathematics. Students will be assessed three times: fall, winter, and spring
Why MAP? One Size Doesn’t Fit All Each child learns differently. MAP enables teachers to see their students as individuals – each with their own base of knowledge. Tests That Adapt to the Student NWEA Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) tests present students with engaging, age-appropriate content. As a student responds to questions, the test responds to the student, adjusting up or down in difficulty. Powered By Data The underlying data driving the assessment ensures remarkable accuracy, based on over 24 million assessments given over 30+ years. The equal-interval RIT scale increases the stability, providing grade-independent analysis of a child's learning. For educators, it means at last having timely information that, used well, can change the course of a student's school year — and life.
Sample Item
Instructional Level vs. Mastery The MAP test provides the instructional level of the student It provides a road map for students toward achieving of mastery It is not a test for determining mastery of skills
RIT Score Student’s overall score on the test. Score is unrelated to the age or grade of the student Reflects current performance level RIT stands for Rasch Unit, which is used to measure achievement growth
Current Growth: Grade 2 Fall Winter Math Mean RIT Mean RIT Median RIT 184 Median RIT 192 Std. Dev Std. Dev Reading Mean RIT Mean RIT Median RIT 186 Median RIT 192 Std. Dev Std. Dev Mean RIT: Average score of students in this class Median RIT: Middle score of this class Standard Deviation: Indicates the variability of RIT scores within this group. A larger standard deviation generally reflects a wider range of scores and achievement within a class.
Current Growth: Grade 4 FallWinter Math Mean RIT Mean RIT Median RIT 211 Median RIT 212 Std. Dev Std. Dev Reading Mean RIT Mean RIT Median RIT 208 Median RIT 209 Std. Dev Std. Dev Mean RIT: Average score of students in this class Median RIT: Middle score of this class Standard Deviation: Indicates the variability of RIT scores within this group. A larger standard deviation generally reflects a wider range of scores and achievement within a class.
How we use MAP: Data Meetings Grade Levels review reports Collectively identify areas of weakness as well as strengths Inform instruction based on student needs Data Drives Instruction
DesCartes: A Continuum of Learning Translates MAP scores into the skills and concepts: to enhance, to develop, and to introduce Aligned to MA standards Guides teachers as they develop flexible groups for instruction
Lexile A score that can be used to find text of appropriate difficulty without being frustrated Matching Lexile range facilitates the choice of reading material that is the appropriate level which should result in new learning while rewarding current reading abilities
MAP Goals Measure growth over time – individual as well as grade level Share growth report with parents after spring assessments (3 checkpoints) Increase use of Lexile Range