MAP Night Welcome Pine Acres Families
What is the MAP Assessment? Progress monitoring assessment that will monitor your student’s academic success throughout Reading and Math. Fall, Winter and Spring ◦ scores will be sent home at the end of the testing session. Common Core Standards
Testing Conditions: Math and Reading are taken on the computers ◦ Library Students use headphones The assessment time varies: between minutes. They are allowed breaks throughout the test if needed Paper and pencil is allowed during the math assessment
Testing Conditions: ◦ The test will adapt to your child’s own academic level and will adjust the test as needed to relieve frustration. ◦ All multiple choice questions. ◦ Some questions are read aloud ◦ Basic mouse skills ◦ The test does not give any feedback. ◦ There are 57 test questions.
Scoring Teachers will receive the students’ score immediately Parents will not receive their child’s scores until the district has closed the testing session. ◦ Scores will compare your child’s score to the district and national average in a bar graph format. ◦ Expected score for the next testing session
Sample Score Report
Scoring Guide: Domains ◦ Reading: Literature and Informational-ideas and details in a text, book structure, text features, compare and contrasts, main topic, retell Vocabulary Use and Functions-synonyms, antonyms, inflections (-s, -ed), sorting into categories Language and Writing-grammar, capitalization, punctuation Foundational Skills-print concepts, phonemic awareness, word recognition, fluency Resources: Kahn
Scoring Guide: Domains ◦ Math: Operations and Algebraic Thinking-adding, subtracting, finding the missing number Number and Operations-10s and 1s (18=10+8), understanding place value, counting to 120, using place value to solve +10 Measurement and Data- use objects to measure length, time, interpret graphs, compare attributes Geometry- 2D/3D shapes, fractions of a whole, composing shapes
Scoring Guide: By the end of: Kindergarten ◦ Reading: ◦ Math: First Grade ◦ Reading: ◦ Math: 180.8
How did our student’s score: Fall 2015: ◦ Strengths: ◦ Kindergarten Math: Geometry ◦ Kindergarten Reading: Vocabulary Use and Functions ◦ First Grade Math: Operations and Algebraic Thinking ◦ First Grade Reading: Literature and Informational ◦ Areas for Improvement: ◦ Kindergarten and First Grade Reading: Foundational Skills ◦ Kindergarten Math-Operations and Algebraic Thinking ◦ First Grade Math- Numbers and Operations Overall ◦ District RIT score ◦ National Average
How does this test benefit your child? Teachers use the results to drive instruction during: Whole group Small group Enrichment/Intervention Benefits ALL students, ALL academic levels!
For more information: ces-for-parents/ ces-for-parents/