MIKE J. PESEBRE III-AB PSYCHOLOGY. WWhat is Crime? - a crime is defined as any act that is contrary to legal code or laws Crimes are defined by criminal.


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Presentation transcript:


WWhat is Crime? - a crime is defined as any act that is contrary to legal code or laws Crimes are defined by criminal law,which refers to a body of federal and state rules that prohibit behavior the Government deems harmful to society.If one engages in such behavior,they may be guilty of a crime and prosecuted in criminal court.

 What is Criminology? - It is the study of crimes. - also referred to as criminological psychology is the study of the wills, thoughts, intentions and reactions of criminals, all that partakes in the criminal behavior There are many different types of crimes but,generally crimes can be divided into four major categories: -Personal crime -Property crime -Inchoate crime -Staturary crime

 Personal Crime -these are crimes that result in physical or mental harm to another person. Personal crime include: -Assault, -False imprisonment, -Kidnapping, -Homicide -Rape

 Property Crimes -these are the crimes that do not necessarily involve harm to person.Instead,they involve an interference with another person’s right to use or enjoy their property. Property crime include: -Larceny -Robbery

 Inchoate Crimes -this requires that a person take a substainial step to complete a crime,as opposed to just “intend” to commit a crime. Inchoate crime include: -Attempt -Solicitation -Conspiracy

 Statutory Crimes -a violation of a specific state or federal institute and can involve either property offenses or personal offense. Statutory cimes include: -Alcohol related crimes such as drunk driving -Selling alcohol to a minor

DIFFERENT LEVEL OF SERIOUSNESS FOR DIFFERENT CRIMES Crimes are often classified according to the level of seriousness,such as the distinction between felony and misdemeanor crimes.  FELONY -more serious crimes such as murder,kidnapping and robbery.  MISDEMEANOR -less serious crimes such as a shoplifting or a DUI -Usually carries a fine and jail sentence of less than a year if it all